Chinese Carbon MTB > 29+ & 27+

What size should I choose ?

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Hi, every one I'm Roy from France.
I'm about to order a workswell wcb-m-078 and I could use some advice .
I am 1.80 meter or 5.9' high , what frame size shoud I choose ?
Also do you think the pf30 BB is a good choice ?
Thank you.

I'd say a medium, 17.5" frame.

I'm 178cm and I use the size large for the 062.

Your inseam is important to consider too, if your seat will be to high for the bar(frame too small).
Or if the bar will be to far from the saddle(frame too big)

If you have the courage, try to draw the geometry, and compare it to your current bike.

Thanks for the replies.
i've done a frame with paperboard  ;D

I'm a very proportional 5'11" and ride the 18.5". Definitely stay with the 17". On most frames, I can do an 18.5 or 19.5 and be fine. This is not one of them. I love the bike and it's super fun but it is tall in the top tube. I am fine with the standover but I wish it had more as it's really close to being too high. I have the WW 062 in the 18.5 also and it doesn't feel as bad with the standover


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