Chinese Carbon MTB > 29+ & 27+

Sanity check my P9 build, please!

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--- Quote from: deezums on February 18, 2018, 07:27:06 PM ---I also bought a vinyl cutter, it's a learning curve but I think I'm figuring it out!

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Nice! Funny you mention this as I bought one a couple weeks ago also. Which one did you get? There is a bit of a learning curve but I think I have it figured out. It's the cut settings that seem to be variable. I've been using some Oracal 651 with great results but I've also got some black reflective vinyl that's been a bit of a pain. I've set the depth so it's cutting halfway through the paper and it's still a PITA to weed. It also decided to leave an adhesive deposit on the cutting blade which then pulled all the letters off and I ruined half a sheet.

Some reflective black pictures. Flash vs no flash

Cool man thats awesome!


--- Quote from: bxcc on February 19, 2018, 02:10:35 PM ---Nice! Funny you mention this as I bought one a couple weeks ago also. Which one did you get? There is a bit of a learning curve but I think I have it figured out. It's the cut settings that seem to be variable. I've been using some Oracal 651 with great results but I've also got some black reflective vinyl that's been a bit of a pain. I've set the depth so it's cutting halfway through the paper and it's still a PITA to weed. It also decided to leave an adhesive deposit on the cutting blade which then pulled all the letters off and I ruined half a sheet.

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I got a UScutter MH365, the little one. I've worked with lots of cheap chinese laser cutters, cnc routers and other oddities, this one is by far the smoothest one I've played with yet.

I'm using some greenstar outdoor stuff for now, figured I'd practice on the cheap stuff but it's honestly not too bad where I've used it so far. I did a few tests to calibrate blade offset and messed with the roller pressure so it doesn't emboss the material so much. I also turned up the cutting pressure quite a bit and the speed way down, I think I have it around 60mm/s and 180-200g for a pressure.

I managed to cut a tiny little brake rotor, going to make a "Right hand front" sticker to warn people! This complicated mess weeded just fine but the big block text to the left did not! I think it is because most of the cuts on the artwork were continuous, but the text had sharp corners where the blade stopped or restarted. I imported a raw DXF as a test, it cut that segment by segment as if there was no continuous contour!! Not good for weeding!

That black reflective stuff is cool, I'm going to have to get some of that! I might try using a new blade to see if I can keep from wasting a sheet, I've accidentally ran across the wear strip a few times on accident besides all the vinyl I've cut.

I took the rear apart today and measured the bearings. They're all one size, 6801's! A few are totally shot, super chunky turning, the rest are OK. I thought my spraying the bike with the hose for two hours cleaning clay off might have caused some water intrusion but everything under the dust shields looks OK. Now I am thinking they were low quality to begin with or there was some glue intrusion maybe? There are 11 in total, the front chainstay piviot has two bearings on the drive side and one on the non-drive side. Interestingly, the suspension piviot is all aluminum and only painted or coated black, some cool machining went into that piece. The chainstay piviot bolt is aluminum but solid construction. I remember seeing something of these breaking on other Ican frames. I'm looking back now and can't find where I saw that now, were those that snapped hollow?

Anyway, what I found with the sticky bearings doesn't seem like something that would cause the squeaking I'm hearing, argh!!

Back to crummy cold and wet weather for the near future, boo   :(


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