The feedback seems ok but there are too few. Some are in the 12 month period with no negative follow up, so it may count for something. I don't have any experience with the seller you posted.
Personally, given the risk that these Chinese sellers offer, i.e. shipping (actually have the product), durability and warranty issues, I tend to go with someone that does not offer the lowest price and have been reported to have after-sales services that were as good as their salesmanship. I mean, sellers that have build a good reputation in this forum (Chiner Town) by being honest in their dealings and continued that even after the deal was done. Having said that, I stick with Peter (Carbon Speed). Peter's price is usually a tad higher than the others (pretty high compared to these eBay prices), but it is most probably because he intends to stand behind his products. I myself had end up with 2 bikes because he send me a new frame (l shoulder shipping cost) to replaced my cracked frame. I did a DIY repair and got a second bike. Peter does have the CS-496 that is a Trek Stache copy. I have that and setup as a 29x3.0 full rigid.
There are a few other sellers that folks here have very good to great experience with. So you might want to check out some more discussion here. There is a section dedicated to vendor discussion, try to visit that.