Author Topic: Frame Transfer  (Read 1638 times)


Frame Transfer
« on: August 17, 2018, 03:23:02 PM »
Hi All,

I recently purchased a Motobecane bike at and it is slightly too small. The frame is not that spendy but the bike has pretty good components and wheels. I was hoping to be able to keep the components and transfer them over to a different, bigger frame. Attached are the specs for the wheels and components I currently have. Does anybody have any recommendations on a frame I should purchase that would be easy to transfer parts without having to purchase new BB etc? The frame would preferably be a medium niner type with cross country geometry. I am 5ft 8.5in.




Re: Frame Transfer
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2018, 03:46:13 AM »
I think any frame you were to order from China with a BSA bb would work.  Some of my fav's are the Trident Thrust($249 including shipping), Tideace(same as Thrust, but only available in PF30 bb), and the Worksell M-062.  I ride and race mostly xc so these are suitable frames for me.  I have yet to build up my Thrust frame. 


Re: Frame Transfer
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2018, 06:54:40 AM »
The 'ol '057 frame would work well with pretty much everything except your seatpost.  You'd get pretty good service from here too:
Seems a bit more $$ than the other options mentioned above though, but mine has done at least 700hrs and I reckon this is still the frame i'd get again (e.g. if it got stolen).