Have been a bit slack updating the build thread !
I took the frame to my LBS (rutlandcycling.com) and they installed the BB30 and also put the cassette on the hubs as I didn't have the tools for the job. The BB shell was nicely faced so went in smoothly.
Frame went back on the stand so got to work .......
Forks and Stem first, greased and thread locked relevant parts and no issues this time as I had already had all the spacing sorted.
Handlebar back on. Will make minor adjustments to the cockpit once its on two wheels.
Rear Shock. The correct bushings were ordered with the shock and these fitted between the mounts fine. The only issue was with one of the shock bolt sleeves. One sleeve fitted through bushings perfectly but the other wouldn't, after a quick file of the end of the sleeve I got rid of the burring that was preventing it pushing through the bushing. Sorted.
Cranks, Chainring, Pedals. Cranks straight on as per SRAM instructions with no problems.
Rear Deraillieur. Again, straightforward. Have just aligned the pulleys, further tweaks when its on two wheels.
Chain. Sized and shortened. Have used the SRAM Powerlock before on my old bike with no problem. This particular one gave me allsorts of grief !! I couldnt get it locked together then couldn't get it apart. Wasted too much time on that, but its on now.
CTD Remote, splitter and cable routing. Spent a while on this as I wanted it right. Cable routing to rear shock is straightforward through the frame but as Carbon_Dude and others have pointed out there is a 90 deg bend in the cable.

Cabling to fork was simple enough. Remote lever is a little stiff but operates well. Just a note on the cable splitter, its f##king ugly ! A very inelegant solution and I'm nut sure how long the housing will last. Time will tell......
Gripshift Cabliing. Housing routes nicely though the frame ! Cut to length then feed the cable down, bolt down onto RD. Job done.
I'm still waiting on olives for the brakes, I was hoping to get them today but the postman has already been ! I will wait for those to arrive before fitting and cutting the lines to size. I have noticed that the hoses are thicker than the normal housing. Has anyone had any difficulty running their hydraulic hoses internally ?
I am also waiting for a new front hub from Iplay. I ordered the wheels before I bought my fork, but I ended up with a different fork (ex showroom deal on Ebay). The new Novatec hub should've shipped but it may well be a week before I receive it and get the wheel rebuilt !