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635 mm wide handlebar not wide enough?

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I decided to flip the stem on my 256 and when I examined the the clamping area of the 700 mm wide handlebar I noticed some pressure dents.

I have to send in the handlebar and have to get an replacement asap and I found a good priced Easton 635 mm wide Easton EC90 SL Riser Bar..

I have a 620 mm wide HB on my 26 and the 700 mm seems to be an overkill but will 635 mm to narrow for a 29er?

I have a 660 and find it just fine.
If you are in doubt, you could take the 700.
Then if you find it too wide, cut it.

I say that you should at least try wider.. Mine is 711mm wide and I love them. If I was buying a new bar, i wouldn't even consider going shorter. That said cock pit fit plays a major role in that decision.. tt lenght, stem length, etc.

Kinda up to your riding - tight tree action and a less wide bar would be apprapo.

Found this for ya:
The reasons we have been preaching about wide bars since 1999 are that they simply give you more stability, more leverage to fight sudden jerks to the side and more leverage for cornering. A quick baseline to start from is to do a push up and experiment with hand width and find out where you feel most stable and powerful. From this starting point go out a bit wider and start working your way in. What we are looking for is for your forearms to slope outward slightly from your hands to your elbows when you have lowered your chest in a “half push-up” position (see photo below). At the widest your forearms should go straight up to your elbows when in this position.
This width will give you the optimum amount of control. From this position you can absorb shock, keep the wheels on the ground over a small drop, resist twisting/jerking forces and power you way trough a corner by getting enough counter pressure leverage to give you the right lean angle. - See more at: http://betterride.net/blog/2014/can-mountain-bike-handlebars-wide/#sthash.gaPr04By.dpuf

I'm at 680mm for both my Chiners, I like the width because it is wide enough but still allows me to maneuver around the tight single track that I ride.  I think I could get away with 700mm but that would be about as wide as I could go.


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