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29er MTB and Road Frame

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Hi all
Sitar - thx that closes the circle ;) 
Just for my understanding HongFu DengFu are reseller from fly or HZ Bikes.... where is XMI fitting in the game? they resell a differen 256/SL frame then e.g. HongFu?

brmeyer - thx as well. and thx you don't make me read 139 pages of thread. I like forums, but it seams I am overdosed a bit for the next decade reading threads...

So to conclude again:
T1000 is not available in China, other then military. The HongFu Screen shot is, let's call it swiss-diplomatic a "marketing" strategy for the better T800 with some unkown addons  that make it almost like t1000.

All that T1000 on Alibaba and Aliexpress: crääp.

Would that be correct?

I think that's correct. Of course, this is all according to what Peter has stated on this forum. Not sure if it has been verified through other sources. Not that Peter isn't a good source of info.. It's just that all info should be 100% verified before we go collectively considering as fact. Usually, that's easier to do, but considering the language barrier makes it a bit more difficult to attain information. Just part of buying a chiner though  ;D

Also, I think that Iplay is actually one of the manufacturers rather than just a reseller, though I'm not 100% certain about that.

And yes, this forum is about a million times better than having to read through the endless mtbr threads!


--- Quote from: Oolak on August 13, 2014, 06:14:46 PM ---And yes, this forum is about a million times better than having to read through the endless mtbr threads!

--- End quote ---

Thank you!  Also, thank you to Sitar_Ned for starting the forum, I am just a modest contributor.


--- Quote from: Carbon_Dude on August 13, 2014, 07:58:18 PM ---thank you to Sitar_Ned for starting the forum, I am just a modest contributor.

--- End quote ---

Says the guy with a higher post count than me  ;D


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