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Can we get the carbon rims painted like we do the frames?

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So as I was sitting here building my chiner on paper, it occurred to me that it might be cool to have the option to be able to get the wheels painted like we can get the frames.

It was this pic that gave me the idea:

Does anyone know if this is available or has already been done? Seems like there would really be no reason that say Iplay or whoever couldn't just paint the rims like they do the frames.. It simply hasn't been requested yet. I guess there may be some concern with added weight? If it was only a small weight penalty I'd still be interested in doing it.

That's an insanely awesome idea.

I'd like to find out if it's possible to have it done direct from seller, as well. Also interested in possible weight penalty?

Not sure why we are worrying about weight.
Paint shouldn't be that much and would be how one 'decorates' their Chiner.
Most everybody has parts that could be replaced with something lighter....like XT brakes or seat or so on.


--- Quote from: brmeyer135 on August 17, 2014, 04:24:31 PM ---Not sure why we are worrying about weight.
Paint shouldn't be that much and would be how one 'decorates' their Chiner.
Most everybody has parts that could be replaced with something lighter....like XT brakes or seat or so on.

--- End quote ---

I agree. I was more asking if it would be something to worry about bc I wasn't really sure. I always read about how the rim/tire combo is the most important place to save weight, so I thought I'd be worth discussing, at least.

Yeah, I'm surprised it hasn't been done already.

Who's first?


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