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Grip shift

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When I first got my XX1 setup I installed a gripshifter.  After 5-10 rides I decided to go back to a trigger shifter.  All I'll say is Gripshift is not for everyone.

CD, I do remember reading that, I guess, part of your problem with grip shift was how they fit with your previous avid brakes. 

Sussed, you say you have good grip with 3 fingers...don't you find your whole hand is moving with the shifting though?
Moving through the cassette, do you ratchet to do that, or just roll the grip shift up/down and hold until it gets across?

I'll reply for Sussed  :D

After analysing more what happens.

It is the opposite.
My index and thumb are driving.
As they always rotate with the gripshift.

When doing  1 to 4 gears jump at a time.
The 3 other fingers barely move.
Then I take back the relaxed position.

For bigger gear jumps, I just keep the gripshift between the index and thumb.
Release the 3 fingers.
And roll it and hold to the desired position.
Without voluntary ratcheting.

May be a slow motion video, would help to make all this pseudo-science verified!  8)

I haven't had grip shift in 15 years. But you guys have me curious.  I am not a huge fan of the trigger placement on the SRAM X01 shifter. I felt the Shimano placement is much nicer.  Perhaps I will buy a grip shift and try it out.


--- Quote from: brmeyer135 on August 21, 2014, 08:59:56 AM ---CD, I do remember reading that, I guess, part of your problem with grip shift was how they fit with your previous avid brakes. 

Sussed, you say you have good grip with 3 fingers...don't you find your whole hand is moving with the shifting though?
Moving through the cassette, do you ratchet to do that, or just roll the grip shift up/down and hold until it gets across?

--- End quote ---

I really wanted to like it.  At the time, the gripshifter was a bit more expensive than the trigger.  However, between the rattle (which was discussed in another thread), the difficulty getting the brake levers situated in a good location (Avid Levers), and the grip being just too long for my liking, it just didn't work for me.  The day I replaced it with the SRAM XX1 trigger shifter I was happy again.  With the trigger shifter I have the option of putting my brake lever on the inside or outside of the trigger shifter, I can move and reposition the trigger to get it in just the right spot and  I can jump at least 5 gears with one swipe of the trigger.

I still think the grip shift is a really cool, nicely engineered piece of hardware (lots of tiny bearings and such inside).  A year ago when I had mine, there were several reports of the gripshifter breaking, something about one of the plastic parts inside that were not holding up.  Possibly SRAM fixed that problem as they are still selling them and I've not read about this issue lately.

Shimano is coming out with push button XTR shifting, but I'm not sure I want or need electronic shifting on my mountain bike.


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