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Painting carbon frame / parts self

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I know that I could have asked the seller to paint the frame, but I could not decide the color etc. So I ordered my frame UD matte. has  anyone here painted carbon parts self? Can you give me some hints. At the moment I would like to paint few small stencil pictures  / text.

I just a paint pen, basically a permanent marker but with paint, for writing a name on the frame, seemed successful, but the finish isn't amazing so wouldn't really work for larger things.

Maybe it's easier to use stickers. I ask someone to create a sticker of a dragonhead (see pictures below).
It's also possible to create name frame stickers.

Dragonhead on my headset:


What kind of place creates stickers?  I was thinking of starting off at a signage company.  Someone online said they paid almost $100 for a set of custom stickers, which seems pretty high to me.

It's not really a sticker. Only the white sticks onto the frame. I sent my picture to this guy and he created three 'stickers' for me, for just 6 EUR (7.74 USD). It sticks on the frame very well, but I have to be careful with cleaning the bike at the edges of the sticker, it will let loose if I clean to hard at that point.

This guy owns frame-stickers.nl . If you use google "bike frame stickers", you definitely find someone nearby.


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