Author Topic: Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost  (Read 4818 times)


Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost
« on: September 10, 2019, 03:25:22 PM »
Has anyone used this frame?

It looks very similar to light carbon lcfs911 which has been recommended to me.  It states 168x38 shock is compatible and nothing about 165*40.  It appears to require a trunion mount shock?  I'm finding it hard to find a trunion mount in 165*38 that can have a remote lockout.  I want remote because it these frames it appears to be tough to flip the switch by hand.


Re: Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2019, 05:26:18 AM »
What makes you think it requires a trunnion mount shock?  It looks like a regular 6.5" X 1.5" shock to me.


Re: Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2019, 07:53:59 AM »
 I have the 27.5+ version and it is indeed 165x38 traditional mount.
 That being said I would buy the Lightcarbon version.


Re: Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2019, 09:40:24 AM »
What makes you think it requires a trunnion mount shock?  It looks like a regular 6.5" X 1.5" shock to me.

Upon further review it looks like it could run a regular or trunion mount shock if it's the same as the 911.  Someone on a different forum had recommended the lcfs911 and said fox 165x40mm trunnion mount shocks can be found cheap on ebay.  I took that as only trunnion mount would work.  I'm new to this and still learning so I apologize for dumb questions and really appreciate everyone's help.


Re: Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2019, 10:08:05 AM »
 I'm going to repeat ..the miracle bike does not accept trunnion.


Re: Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2019, 01:38:40 PM »
I'm going to repeat ..the miracle bike does not accept trunnion.

Got it on the shock and thanks.  Can I ask why you'd recommend the LightCarbon over the Miracle?   I'm kind of attracted to the longer reach and slightly shorter chainstay on the Miracle geometry that's listed.  Is it quality, service, bike performance, something else?


Re: Miracle FS029 XC 29ER boost
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2019, 07:26:25 AM »
I noticed the extremely long reach in miracle's geometry chart. At first glance, those reach figures do not make sense.  Given the stated seat angle and top tube lengths, they simply cannot have reach measurements that long.  I haven't done the trig calcs, but every other frame with similar ETT and SA specs, have reach figures around 40mm shorter than what miracle specs.

I'd be very careful dealing with a reseller that can't even give accurate geometry specs.  Especially when there's other sellers who have a proven track record. E.g. light Carbon.  TBH, I haven't really heard of miracle before.