So just a little update on this order. The rims are still lost in transit and AliExpress issued me a full refund as they were shipped using AliExpress shipping. So now I need to order another set. The communication from Elite Wheels has been good through the whole process but I'm still a little hesitant to order round 2 from them. Does anyone know if the seller still gets their money in this situation? If so, I wouldn't mind trying again with Elite. Otherwise, Hulk Bike has them and I'll probably go that route.
I had a very similar situation with two orders from Muqzi store around the same time as you ordered your rims. This was for small parts, not rims, only about $10A worth in total. Order shipped quickly, landed in Australia quickly then never arrived. About a month after it arrived in Aus I contacted the store, they were apologetic but said I had to claim through Aliexpress. Couldn't do that till the 90 day delivery window expired. Ended up getting a full refund, minus shipping costs. Both packets arrived to my door on Friday, almost 3 months to the day after they arrived in the country and about 3 weeks after I got my refund.
I wanted to do the right thing by the seller so I contacted them and explained the situation and asked them the best way to go about paying and that I wanted to order more from them. They told me Aliexpress wouldn't just reverse the refund so the best thing to do would be to order what I want, plus what I already received then send them a note. They would then just ship the extras, that way they get paid and I don't get charged for additional postage, if that makes sense.
Anyway, just thought I would let you know as your rims may well be in the same situation, lost in transit somewhere still awaiting delivery. I have also looked at that store and they seemed to have a pretty good reputation so I would be surprised if they had "faked" the dispatch. If you did get a full refund then I guess there is nothing for you to loose trying again other than more time.