Author Topic: Any general advise or guides for a confused newbie?  (Read 1610 times)


Any general advise or guides for a confused newbie?
« on: July 21, 2020, 03:40:29 PM »
Hi guys.  I've been mountain biking for a few years with a used full-suspension 26" that I got for free.  I've gotten a bit more into it lately and also need a project so I'm planning on building my own bike.  I've learned a lot in the last few days and would like to go with a chinese carbon fiber full-suspension bike but I'm a bit overwhelmed on the subtle differences and why I'd choose one model over another.  I've been looking at the Tantan FM10 but then there's several other similar frames on their website (FM036, FM06, FM08, etc.) plus several other brands. 

I live in Colorado so terrain is usually somewhat hilly...mix of dirt, rocks, gravel.  I'm 5'8", 155ish pounds.  I don't plan on owning multiple mountain-bikes at the same time so I'd like it to perform adequately on any terrain I throw at it. 

Any specific models that you think would be a good fit for me?  Advise or online guides you can point me towards?


Re: Any general advise or guides for a confused newbie?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2020, 11:48:26 PM »
I’m no expert but I can attempt to give you a little guidance. Basically, there’s a few molds/designs of bike frames that many companies essentially resell. Between companies you will usually get the same frame quality but with differing customer service or warranties etc. Another user created a list of frames found on aliexpress that might be useful getting an idea of what is out there.,2888.0.html

For mountain bikes there’s a smattering of different categories but they are basically dependent on the rear wheel travel. A trail bike (130-140mm rear travel) is good bet for an all rounder type bike. It just depends on what you want to do. If your trails are fairly flat you’ll have more fun on an XC bike and if you like haulin A down descents and bike park days then an Enduro bike would fit better.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 11:50:05 PM by ryapad »


Re: Any general advise or guides for a confused newbie?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2020, 03:26:04 PM »
I also live in colorado and I've decided to go with the FM936 from Carbonda. I havent received my frame yet but, I think its going to be a pretty good trail bike.

I was trying to pick between the ICAN p9 and the FM936 and I decided the FM936 is better suited for my enviroment. I would recommend going with a frame that a lot of people have already built. That way, you have a better idea how its going to ride and what you need to build it up correctly.


Re: Any general advise or guides for a confused newbie?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2020, 10:47:04 AM »
I live in Denver and ride mostly front range and I ordered the fs958. I currently own a long travel Enduro bike. I use that to go to trestle and it performs great there. However, I can only ride that 2-3 months a year and everything in the front range will have you climbing from the parking lot. My Enduro bike sucks at that haha it'll get to the top but it will take a while. I think the FS958 will be the perfect front range bike because of the progressive geometry. I'm building it up as a 130/140 bike so it should still handle the rowdy descends just fine.