Author Topic: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store  (Read 4072 times)


Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« on: June 19, 2020, 05:02:54 PM »
I’ve been looking for some rims for my incoming Waltly Ti build for a month now. I’ve emailed TanTan, Nextie, and BTLOS. The biggest disappointment was in Nextie which was a little surprising. I stumbled on Elite on AliExpress and shot them a message via AE. Response time and communication has been excellent so far. I needed up ordering a set of rims for myself and a friend. Hopefully everything comes in as advertised and in a timely fashion. I’ll keep this thread updated as the sale moves along.

Purchase date: June 19, 2020

Rim 1 (mine):
29er asymmetric XC rim
33mm outer
27mm inner
29mm depth
350g advertised weight
28 hole
12k twill weave
Matte finish

Rim 2:
27.5 symmetrical AM rim
40mm outer
35mm inner
30mm depth
450g advertised weight
28 hole
Ud weave
Matte finish


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2020, 02:33:30 AM »
Interesting. Do you have a link to the AE store of this seller?


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2020, 06:13:50 AM »
What bothered me about the other vendors is that when I asked for a quote for 2 pair and buying direct, the price always went up from what was advertised. I’ll admit that I was hoping for a discount but I never asked for one. With Elite, they told me the sale ends soon so I should buy soon and included a small coupon for buying 2 pair.


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2020, 04:27:30 AM »
Just curious. What made you decide for Elite ?
The price, or the rim models/hubs/spokes available ?


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2020, 08:16:43 AM »
Just curious. What made you decide for Elite ?
The price, or the rim models/hubs/spokes available ?

Communication, price, rim model, and options. I could have varied a bit on the inner dimension if the price was significantly better. Honestly, I never even thought of getting a spoke price. With Peter, I'd usually get spokes from him as well. I think I found some DT Aerolite spokes for my rims that will work with 350 centerlock hubs. For me, centerlock 350's are the best bang for the buck as they are quite a bit lighter than their 6 bolt version.

Communication has been excellent. Most messages via AliExpress have been responded to within a few hours. Except weekends of course. And Sukie (person I've been in contact with) either speaks extremely good english or they are using an amazing translator. I'd be very surprised if it was a translator as the communication has been on par with Peter. 

The rim model is pretty much spot on for what I wanted. I plan on running 2.25 to 2.35 tires so 27mm inner and 350g is perfect.

I ended up paying $580 for both sets of rims shipped to the US so the price was great.

As for options, they offer them in a 12k twill weave which looks pretty cool to me. I've been wanting 12k for my last two sets of rims but Peter didn't offer that in the models I wanted. The twill version just looks a little more unique. Here's a picture of the 12k twill if anyone is interested.


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2020, 07:06:45 AM »
Update July 7th:

The rims are finished and on their way. Shipping is really hit or miss right now so I'm not expecting them any time soon.

Here are the pictures Sukie sent me.


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2020, 11:56:32 AM »
So just a little update on this order. The rims are still lost in transit and AliExpress issued me a full refund as they were shipped using AliExpress shipping. So now I need to order another set. The communication from Elite Wheels has been good through the whole process but I'm still a little hesitant to order round 2 from them. Does anyone know if the seller still gets their money in this situation? If so, I wouldn't mind trying again with Elite. Otherwise, Hulk Bike has them and I'll probably go that route.


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2020, 02:00:09 PM »
So just a little update on this order. The rims are still lost in transit and AliExpress issued me a full refund as they were shipped using AliExpress shipping. So now I need to order another set. The communication from Elite Wheels has been good through the whole process but I'm still a little hesitant to order round 2 from them. Does anyone know if the seller still gets their money in this situation? If so, I wouldn't mind trying again with Elite. Otherwise, Hulk Bike has them and I'll probably go that route.
Sorry to hear! :(  I just bought from BTLOS, can't reccomend them enough. Fast shipping, helpful. They even managed to get the Shimano XT hubs for me from their supplier. Amazing prices. The rims were true and finished to a high standard


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2020, 11:36:35 PM »
So just a little update on this order. The rims are still lost in transit and AliExpress issued me a full refund as they were shipped using AliExpress shipping. So now I need to order another set. The communication from Elite Wheels has been good through the whole process but I'm still a little hesitant to order round 2 from them. Does anyone know if the seller still gets their money in this situation? If so, I wouldn't mind trying again with Elite. Otherwise, Hulk Bike has them and I'll probably go that route.

I had a very similar situation with two orders from Muqzi store around the same time as you ordered your rims. This was for small parts, not rims, only about $10A worth in total. Order shipped quickly, landed in Australia quickly then never arrived.  About a month after it arrived in Aus I contacted the store, they were apologetic but said I had to claim through Aliexpress. Couldn't do that till the 90 day delivery window expired.  Ended up getting a full refund, minus shipping costs.  Both packets arrived to my door on Friday, almost 3 months to the day after they arrived in the country and about 3 weeks after I got my refund.

I wanted to do the right thing by the seller so I contacted them and explained the situation and asked them the best way to go about paying and that I wanted to order more from them. They told me Aliexpress wouldn't just reverse the refund so the best thing to do would be to order what I want, plus what I already received then send them a note. They would then just ship the extras, that way they get paid and I don't get charged for additional postage, if that makes sense.

Anyway, just thought I would let you know as your rims may well be in the same situation, lost in transit somewhere still awaiting delivery. I have also looked at that store and they seemed to have a pretty good reputation so I would be surprised if they had "faked" the dispatch.  If you did get a full refund then I guess there is nothing for you to loose trying again other than more time.


Re: Elite Carbon Wheels factory store
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2020, 09:00:21 AM »
I ordered a pair of Nextie premium 29er symmetrical NXT29UM30 rims in June, had them shipped DHL 3 day express $530 to UK plus £22 import. They took 2 weeks to ship them but shipped on a Tuesday and arrive at home Thursday afternoon. They built up fantastic (had Strada Wheels UK build the up with my DT Swiss 240 hubs and Alpina F1 sprint spokes 1346g with rim tape applied) Strada have built their rims before and said they were excellent quality....