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Custom Headtube badges

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I so want to get something like this.  Must find inspiration for what will work on mine.


Wow! Those are way sweet. Def need to get my own. The chinertown logo would look cool as a badge like that.

Those are so cool.  It is getting to the point your chiner could look like a name brand if one so chose.

Frkn SWEET! Looking into one of these, for sure. Thx for sharing.


--- Quote from: brmeyer135 on September 26, 2014, 09:03:51 AM ---Those are so cool.  It is getting to the point your chiner could look like a name brand if one so chose.

--- End quote ---

True, but I think it's cooler when you put your own personal flair on them. The builds in Vipassana's and 325racer's threads come to mind. Sharp looking bikes, while also being unique and conversation pieces/starters.

These custom badges just add even more cool options.


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