this is popping in a number of topics these days, lots of products increasing in price by absurd amounts\
it's just common practice all over Aliexpress to prepare for the 11.11 sale. Products on Aliexpress are always with some amount of discount, it's always like 30% off over some 'stock' price which is never really practiced, or like 10 days a year tops.
soon it should be back to normal...
also another user pointed out that China is currently in Holidays, back next weekend, and the increase could be to discourage buyers, reduce order amount for a moment, and let them rest these days.
But honestly I don't think it's that, in my experience normally with long Holidays the website or the seller just extends the shipping time, covering their absence. Through chinese new year for example (february) the website normally advises that shipping will take 1-2 extra weeks due to holidays.
the Darevie bibs increased the prize ... its now more than double now, for € is 74... is this only for my account the case?
Also the jersey got much much much more expensive ?!
Even though I like them .. but that's not possible...I won't buy them again.