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obmbicycle.com / Taiwan carbon factory store

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Let´s talk about those 2. I have bought a F12 frame from obmbicycle. It started with a conversation on Aliexpress. Then we moved to whatsapp and ended up on obmbicycle.com
It should take 30-50 days to make the frame, it is day 38 today. They still communicate but the seller is sick, they have a typhoon in China and a flooded street so they can´t work. But I sent questions 3 weeks ago if it was 1 component color in the frame or 2 component. The answer has not been reeived yet.

Have you bought anything from them?

I love their Intellectual Rights page.

I think this company makes knockoffs and i think they will be low quality. BUT ive seen bigger miracles performed so im about curious the end result for this. Feel free to keep it updated.

The intelectual rights not being there tells me either the company doesnt care and theyll shut the website down OR its a really new company who still needs to update the website OR they dont have someone checking the website. Even velobuild which is on the cheaper end has a pretty good website. Not to say velobuilds bad but compare it to dengfu, ican, winspace, etc.

It has been produced and it must be mine since I ordered osium white with a special chameleon.
39 days between payment and picture.

It looks really good! Lets hope its structurally sound though. Keep it posted.


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