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DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort

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I took apart my R180 hub yesterday after about 130km of which 85 in very bad weather and mud. Everything looks OK. The tips of the ratchets look a little bit worn, but since they are razor sharp this might be normal.
I packed the ratchet with grease, assembled everything and... the ratchet would no longer engage... I took it apart again, added some oil to the grease and that solved the problem.

The ratchet is now A LOT more quiet.

Edit: after 1 ride it is LOUD again...

I've now done 400 miles in just under 3 weeks on these. Lots of rain and dirt fromcommuting and riding on the south downs, hubs still loud as hell but no slippage. I guess i'll open them up over christmas when they get to about 1000 miles or sooner if i get any issues. So far, happy :)

My Goldix 240 SL 60t is skipping bad under load. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804895514428.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.59.65081802Fw79NU&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa 

I tried purchasing a dt swiss 54t exp upgrade but it is incompatible with the hub.  The threaded portion is way larger on the Goldix hub.  Anyone have success with trying something different? 

Did you try cleaning the ratchet and using thinner grease/oil?


--- Quote from: birdrider on April 15, 2024, 11:07:57 AM ---My Goldix 240 SL 60t is skipping bad under load. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804895514428.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.59.65081802Fw79NU&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa 

I tried purchasing a dt swiss 54t exp upgrade but it is incompatible with the hub.  The threaded portion is way larger on the Goldix hub.  Anyone have success with trying something different?

--- End quote ---

Can't you purchase some ratchets from Goldix store with lower number of teeth? 
At least they sell them separately
At least going down in teeth number gives more robustness against slipping.


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