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DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort

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--- Quote from: maui400 on June 17, 2024, 03:36:44 PM ---Wow, that's interesting. I will have a look at ZTTOs ratchet. But for now Goldix is sending me a new ratchet to try.

--- End quote ---

They also sent me new rather after posting a photos-videos or half ratchet stuck in the freehub body. But new ratchet did not helped, IMHO to problem is that ratchet is too loose in freehub body and there is a space to get jammed there away from the second part of ratchet and therefore dis-engage from each other until you open it, free it and temporarily fixed it.

Please report back if their new ratchets are may be a little big bigger in diameter or may be freehub body more tight.

Ok, that make sense. I will report back if the issue further exists with the new ratchet.

I'm up to about 1200 miles on my Goldix 240EXP hubs and one of the freehub bearings is pretty crunchy. All of the other bearings on both hubs feel smooth, but I will order a replacement set so I can replace them when they fail.

The freehub bearings were pretty easy to remove. How do I get the hub bearings out? The axle is pressed through the bearings and it pretty snug. I gave it a few taps but it didn't budge, and I didn't want to bang on it too hard.

(The freehub uses a pair of 6802 RS bearings. Both the front and rear hubs use 15267 2RS bearings.)


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