Author Topic: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort  (Read 57672 times)


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2022, 12:22:57 PM »
too bad they aren't produce 6 bolts version in this exp240.

Fat Larry

Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2022, 05:11:45 AM »
Anyone know Ali has parts that are compatible parts with genuine DT stuff? I have a couple of wheels i picked up second hand (Roval and Bontrager) with missing free hubs (think it was 3 pawl) an axle and end caps and i'm too cheap to buy genuine. Would be good to find some bits for them :)


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2022, 02:28:05 PM »
Lots of buyers of the star ratchet clones have had success substituting actual DT Swiss parts for knockoff ratchets that failed. Presumably you could go the other way, but why?

I don't know if the pawl freehubs are close enough to swap.


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2022, 04:10:06 AM »
Please excuse my ignorance but what kind of benefits does an EXP style hub provide over a standard one? I'm really just looking for the absolute loudest hub out there and DT Swiss seems to consistently rank at or near the top

Fat Larry

Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2022, 06:34:52 PM »
Please excuse my ignorance but what kind of benefits does an EXP style hub provide over a standard one? I'm really just looking for the absolute loudest hub out there and DT Swiss seems to consistently rank at or near the top

The new style exp hubs have issues at the moment from what i've read. They only exist because the DT patient on the original star ratchet expired. Best avoided. 36 tooth two piece star ratchets are the most reliable design around as far as i know but they might not be as loud as the other versions with more teeth (i haven't tried them).
« Last Edit: March 26, 2022, 06:36:53 PM by Fat Larry »


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2022, 05:02:58 AM »
I'm really just looking for the absolute loudest hub out there
Take a look at ARC mt009 (or mt006 if you need non-boost) hubs on aliexpress. They are using traditional design with 36 tooth ring and 6 pawls with 3 teeth on each. At every moment 3 of 6 pawls are engaged, so you'll get 5 degrees engagement and these hubs are loud as f##k.


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #36 on: July 08, 2022, 09:21:18 AM »
My Venfort did not last 50 miles.  Ordered a Hope Pro 4 and have to rebuild my wheels, The Koozer DT clones I have in the shop seem much better made, going to try them out .


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2022, 04:38:47 AM »
My Venfort did not last 50 miles.  Ordered a Hope Pro 4 and have to rebuild my wheels, The Koozer DT clones I have in the shop seem much better made, going to try them out .

Can you be please more specific what went wrong? Wasn't there a change to replace ratchet with original DT or ZTTO internals?
I am considering Venfort as new DT350 are not available and rebuilding wheels is kind of waste of quite some money....
Thanks a lot


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2022, 07:17:21 AM »
I submerged my Venfort hubs with the (dual) exp style ratchets in a creek and it started to slip. I replaced the springs and normal/old style 36pt "DT ratchets" from my Koozer clones and things are good so far.  The machining on the exp style ratchets may have been the issue, I suspect one of the ratchet rings was not moving in the channels.  Ordered another set of the old style 36pt ratchets from aliexpress as backups.


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2022, 03:31:56 PM »
The machining on the exp style ratchets may have been the issue, I suspect one of the ratchet rings was not moving in the channels. 

Not saying this is what happened to you, but when I serviced my Venfort hub one of the rings was stuck, I reached out to venfort who advised that the rings are actually handed, when I got the stuck ring out I reversed their position and have had no further issues. I cannot see any physical difference between the rings, but I haven't done any measurements either. Have a heap of kms on them now, regularly racing and am happy with them.

The bearings in my front hub got noisy quickly so I swapped them out. The bearings had very little light grease in them.


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2022, 10:04:02 PM »
I've been thinking about building up a wheel set with the Goldix 240EXP hubs but am a bit concerned with the ratchet reliability. I'm a larger rider (210 lbs) and pour out a decent amount of power on some of the steep bits. How have the 36T ratchets been? Would it be worth swapping DT Swiss ratchets right away? Or bringing spares along when I ride?

Any other recommendations on light 148mm hubs?

Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2022, 07:24:08 AM »
Goldix hubs are great.  I’m a big dude and ride like a gorilla and break everything
36t ratchet is solid…I’ve blown up a LOT of hubs.
This is much more solid than the ztto hubs

I’ve been riding them for a year hard Mtb riding on a bike with high pedal kickback that blows up a lot of hubs this one is SOLID.

Bearings are a little cheap I expect I’ll need to replace the outboard bearing but these are cheap common and readily available .

They will also do custom logos for a reasonable price if you are not into gold Dix

I’ve hucked  my bike to the point of exploding tires are rims and these hubs took it


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2022, 12:51:23 PM »
So I just received my Goldix 240 hubs yesterday. Very fast shipping, only 10 days to California. (I ordered from the Goldix store on Ali)

The hubs look really nice and the rear hub feels smooth. However, the front hub feels notched, as if one or both bearings are damaged. I reported this to Goldix and they suggested "adding more lube oil" which I don't think is a valid solution.

Given that the factory bearings aren't great to begin with, should I push them for replacements, or just go ahead and order higher quality replacements? I'm still waiting on rims and need to order spokes, so no hurry yet.


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2022, 03:40:49 PM »
Given that the factory bearings aren't great to begin with, should I push them for replacements, or just go ahead and order higher quality replacements? I'm still waiting on rims and need to order spokes, so no hurry yet.

Why bother with replacements that are potentially just as bad? I’d suggest getting the higher quality bearings for peace of mind.


Re: DT 240EXP hub clones Goldix, Venfort
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2022, 12:31:49 AM »
If I understood the earlier posts correctly, the Goldix 240EXP front hubs use 6902 bearings and the rear hubs use 6802 bearings, correct?

How do you remove the freehub? It appears to just pull off, like the DT Swiss hubs, but mine won't budge.