I measured about 275mm to the bend, I can drop this 150mm OneUp down to the collar but I have it installed with 40mm out. I ride with the saddle a little lower in the mountains.
Brand-X is cool, had an external routed Ascend II or two... This OneUp was on a gravel bike that I knew I could fit more than a 120mm drop in but not quite 150mm. The abilityto adjust travel down 10 or 20mm is the selling point for me. PNW stuff is toolless to adjust up to 25mm I think. So if I were buying new I would probably grab the OneUp 210 or 180 depending on insertion depth and adjust 10-20mm to slam it.
I have two of the v1 31.6 OneUp droppers that can be anywhere from 120mm to 170mm down to the mm with a plastic shim, they're brilliant but I have nothing to put them in