Heyo guys,
couple of weeks ago I posted some picture from a small crack in my seat tube. As Sebastian described I tried tightening and loosening the bolts the tiniest bit and see what happened. The crack actually widened, so no bueno...
I wrote to VB-Chris with some pictures. First he said it might only be surface level crack. But I could really tell it wasn't. Even tho it wasn't big I was way to concerned to ride down a hill with a Crack that moved slightly when tightening the bolts. But Chris pulled through and they send me a barebones Frame, which looks and fells pretty much identically to the old one. Just with bottle cage screws in black instead of silver. So I gues I will be rebuilding my bike then. Since the Crack appeared I have been riding the bike exclusively on my turbo trainer, because I was not comfy to go down hills or hit potholes with that crack...
Anyway can only support your opinion sebastian. This is a nice starting point in the world of building your own bikes, if you are ready to tamper and learn. And secondly I am also unsure if I will buy again, Yes they honored warranty, when I persisted, which is nice. But my bottle cages snapped and my garmin mount snapped when riding over normal road sufaces and a couple of cobbles... And lastly my seat tube cracked under the lower screw hole. I weigh 72 kg.
Idk just leaves a stale taste...
anyway, take care guys