Author Topic: Color thoughts for 057  (Read 5455 times)


Color thoughts for 057
« on: November 11, 2014, 04:50:15 PM »
So I'm selling off my old junk to raise the funds for an 057. In the mean time, I'm debating colors. Our primary trails around here have hunting, especially this time of the year, so it's a really good idea to have blaze orange stuff. Got a jersey which is a pretty bright orange, and Mechanix hi-vis orange gloves, but had the idea that maybe I'd get the frame painted hi-viz orange. What would be best is florescent orange - I saw an Intense recently that would be _PERFECT_. It'd be a cool color, it'd look a little different than the normal Chiner (matte black was what I wanted but I think maybe now something else would be cool too) and it'd be perfect for riding near hunters.

Thing is, I'm not 100% sure if there's anything special about florescent orange vs. a normal bright orange. Looking it up, it doesn't sound like it.  Sounds like the basic #FF6700 color is what I'm looking for, Pantone #165. I just don't know if a frame painted #165 will be quite as eye-searingly bright as that florescent orange Intense I saw.

There's always the option of getting the frame painted white (which enhances the brightness of a paint applied over it) and then rattle-can it myself with any number of "florescent orange" paints I've seen available at the hardware store, but it seems wrong to pay for a frame to be painted - and then paint over the brand new paint.

Thoughts? Dunno if anyone here has experience with paint to speak intelligently on the subject, I sure don't.

What would also be cool is if/when I get a fatbike, get the frame, fork, and even rims shot the same ridiculous color. Not that I'm really that worried about getting shot at, I just think it'd be pretty cool.


Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2014, 09:19:34 PM »
That's actually a pretty good idea - Have lots of hunting going on in my neck of the woods right now, too.

I surely wouldn't be taking a spray can of paint to my freshly factory painted frame. I think that wouldn't end up looking too good. I'm definitely interested in how yours turns out. Sorry you have to be the guinea pig!

I've been eagerly waiting for someone to have their rims painted in the scheme of the rest of their bike for a while now. Think it would add a really nice custom look to the bike if done right.


Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2014, 06:22:02 AM »
That's actually a pretty good idea - Have lots of hunting going on in my neck of the woods right now, too.

I surely wouldn't be taking a spray can of paint to my freshly factory painted frame. I think that wouldn't end up looking too good. I'm definitely interested in how yours turns out. Sorry you have to be the guinea pig!

I'm not too worried. If it just turns out to be a bright orange, and not quite as vibrant, it'll still look pretty damn good, I think. Agreed on the prospect of rattle-canning a brand new bike.

Was also thinking about finding a local paint shop - get the frame, give it to them, have them paint it.  Could then also have them spray the suspension fork, although painting over powder coat probably has its challenges as well.

I've been eagerly waiting for someone to have their rims painted in the scheme of the rest of their bike for a while now. Think it would add a really nice custom look to the bike if done right.

I think on a fatbike it'd be especially cool looking. We'll see.

Patrick C.

Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2014, 03:41:27 PM »
I like red :)

Red Chiner -,139.0.html

This pic is from a few months ago, when I first finished the bike. I now have some matte black carbon rims.  I may add some color to them, but I don't want to paint them all red like the frame.  Maybe a checkerboard or stripe pattern in black and white, to match the DT Swiss 350 hubs.

Peter at iPlay sent me a link of the color codes they use here-
The page is mostly in Chinese and the colors don't show up when I view it on my ipad, but I the past I was able to see them on a PC.  They are Pantone codes, so if you already know which one you want you won't need the link. 

Plastidip is another option if you want to spray it yourself- I haven't seen one in person, but supposedly it gives a durable coating which can be peeled off when you want to change the color. 

Edit- MTB2223 posted about it, but no pics yet.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 04:08:08 PM by Patrick C. »


Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2014, 06:32:57 PM »
I like red :)

Yeah, that red looks good, I like. :)

Peter sent me the same color chart, it's just the Pantone colors, so #165 seems to be the closest, but I don't know how that would compare to "florescent" orange.

Plasti-Dip sounds interesting - especially since I could do a bit of experimenting now. Thanks for the idea! I've ordered up the blaze orange as well as the "glossifier" or whatever they call it.  Saw some really cool results on cars, so this should be promising.  Worse comes to worse I get the frame painted white so I've got the good base. :D


Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2014, 09:48:40 PM »
Some of the bright colors look great, but just realize that they do not always hold up to uv/sunlight.  This thread has a lot of great color examples, but the linked post shows the potential downside  With that said, I have dealt with Nextie four times now and have been very happy (Brian was my point of contact, but I always just ordered UD matte stuff).


Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2014, 07:20:02 AM »
That seems like a straight up paint defect (the green rims in the link)? I would think it's entirely possibly to have a bright paint color hold up to the limited UV exposure of a 2 or 4 hour  bike ride a week?

I wonder if a high quality, UV standardized clear would help as well?

It's a shame these carbon parts can't be powder coated; far more durable.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 10:05:49 AM by Vipassana »


Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2014, 11:24:28 AM »
Plastidip is another option if you want to spray it yourself- I haven't seen one in person, but supposedly it gives a durable coating which can be peeled off when you want to change the color. 

Many thanks to Patrick C, I think we have a winner. My order of the orange plasti-dip arrived today, so I grabbed a piece of white PVC that I had, and gave it a quick spray:

It's exactly what I was looking for, color wise.  Very happy.

It didn't spray so much as splatter out of the can - I guess because of how thick it is - so I compensated with a thicker coat and that seemed to help. Not heavy enough to run, but heavy enough for it to smooth itself out a little bit. We'll see how it goes once this first layer dries, but even just a minute after spraying it started to smooth out:

It looks a little darker in this shot because the camera adjusted for its brightness. :)

So this looks like a winner. Instead of having them paint it orange, I think I might just have them paint it white, so if I don't like the orange, I can skip it and have a frame and fork that matches.

So the big question now is how do I find the Pantone color code for a white Fox fork? A quick search online provided no results. Maybe I'll contact Fox. It'd be cool if I could get as close to an exact match for that white as possible.

Patrick C.

Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2014, 07:11:13 PM »
Cool!  Where did you order it from?

Here's a good video of a guy doing his road bike and fork.

And some wheels- I might try the zig-zag or a checkerboard over the winter.


Re: Color thoughts for 057
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2014, 08:05:56 PM »
Cool!  Where did you order it from?

Amazon! Two coats so far and it is dead on the money what I want. Shot a coat of the gloss top layer, and it looks like two coats of that would be the trick.

Here's a good video of a guy doing his road bike and fork.

Damn, that's funny, was just searching for plasti-dip stuff and came across that video and thought I should check in here. :)

Just out of curiousity, I ran a razor around the tube, then rubbed off the plasti dip over the mark, and got a perfect edge. Fun!

And some wheels- I might try the zig-zag or a checkerboard over the winter.

Damn, that's cool. I think I'm going to be having some fun with this stuff very soon. :D