These wheels are quite lightweight. My Dengfu R12 (size 54) now weighs only 7.4kg without bottle cages, pedals, or GPS mount. Are they expensive? Yes. Do they perform well for the money? Absolutely. Are they overkill for a $600 USD Dengfu frameset? Probably only if you aren't planning to use these wheels for their ultimate intended purpose.
Farsports Ventoux C4 EVO Wheelset
Depth: 45mm
Internal Width: 19mm
External Width: F28/R26mm
CeramicSpeed Bearings
The hub is very similar to DT Swiss, except stiffer laterally (according to FarSports marketing team).
Advertised Weight: 1440g
Real World Weight: 1372g
YouTube Review: Farsports Ventoux C4 EVO - Calling All Crit Racers