Author Topic: Lefty Fork on Carbonda FM936  (Read 766 times)


Lefty Fork on Carbonda FM936
« on: October 11, 2022, 09:32:21 PM »
Hi Aussie here living in NZ, anyone built this bike with a lefty 120mm Ocho fork?



Re: Lefty Fork on Carbonda FM936
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2022, 11:33:38 PM »
Interested to know your source of Leftys. I would love to do the same but they are so $$$!


Re: Lefty Fork on Carbonda FM936
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2022, 06:07:54 AM »
I tried this few years ago on another frame.
Coming from a second hand Cannondale, I was convinced it was the only good fork in the world.
The components to put a lefty on a non Cannondale frame were a bit ugly.
You can't maintain a Lefty yourself, unless you invest in very specific and expensive tools.
Make it maintained by a specialist you may find around you is also very expensive.
And you can't temporarily replace your front wheel easily if you break it on a trip or a race.

I then moved to a SID 100mm on that frame.
And now I'm very happy of the SID Ultimate 120mm on my FM936.


Re: Lefty Fork on Carbonda FM936
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2022, 01:11:11 PM »
having ridden lefty fork for along time, there is no equal as far as feel and rigidity.  the cost and lack of serviceability is the reason I no longer ride one.  the Ocho is nice in that it should fit any tapered head tube frame.  they go in just like any other fork.  the older dual crown forks were wonky and gross to fit to frames.  i am in the US and they pop up on facebook and ebay now and then.  probably the best way to get one.  other option is see if the cannondale Dr has one on their website and will ship it to you.