Author Topic: Looking for good MTB 12S group set plus disc brake from China - Any advices?  (Read 878 times)


as my budget is going down....I'm looking for alternative solution regarding MTB groupset & disc brake
thanks for your help


Whats your budget?
Does it absolutely have to be 12s?

Sensah and Ltwoo have 12s options on Aliexpress but they have very mixed reviews on youtube. To my knowledge, there is no chinese derailleur with a clutch. I wouldn't ride without one, but it may not be a big deal for you.

If it doesn't have to be 12s, Microshift Advent X is a good affordable option. I think I'd go with Sram SX before going with a chinese groupset for mtb.

As far as brakes go, you can find super cheap mt200 on Ali and eBay. Meroca also seem to have a good reputation, but I have no personal experience.


thanks Garza
Budget is low, I saw some pack at 100€ from LTWOO

Regarding disc brake, what about ZRace, eventually in double caliper for more stiffness?


I hear they're ok. I would choose mt200 because if needed shimano replacement parts are easy to find and easy to work with. My bike 2020 Cannondale Habit came with mt200s and they're been perfect with no issues. Highly recommend.