Author Topic: Dropper post for a IP-256SL  (Read 2292 times)


Dropper post for a IP-256SL
« on: June 30, 2015, 04:20:35 AM »
Looking at getting a dropper for the 256, obvious choice seems to be the RS reverb stealth with a 31.6mm seatpost. But what length and how much drop? Presumably more is better  :o I want to mount it on the LHS (I run 1x and have the fork lockout on the RHS) I believe to run the MMX remote under the bar on the LHS I need to purchase a RHS remote? Do these thing update yearly? With the current exchange rate these things are a steal at the moment, just not sure what I am looking at!

Before I push the button are there any other options I should be considering?

Many thanks,



Re: Dropper post for a IP-256SL
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2015, 03:46:30 AM »
I recommend the RockShox Reverb. It is probably the best seatpost. If you want the seatpost that will operate the best (reliable, not too heavy, convenient), pick this one.
I recommend a 125 mm. I have run into situations where it was good to get. The added weight over a 100 mm is negligible.
Mount: you are correct, you need a RHS to mount it left under the bar. You can't benefit from the MMX advantage though. I have mounted mine in the regular way, using the MMX system (brake + shifter + seatpost in one clamp) and it's really cool.

A dropper post will change your ride. Faster downhill (and safer). You never hesitate to drop, even for something as short as 20 meter if you feel it will help. Also, my top position is now what it should really be (I used to drop a few millimeters to what it should really be, "just in case").


Re: Dropper post for a IP-256SL
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2015, 07:11:52 AM »
Run Shimano brakes so can't take advantage of the MMX anyway, I like the top of the bar to be clean for when I go over the top! Although presumably that should happen less often with a drop as it should be easier to get the weight down and back.