Jarkacz, which seller from Ali? Rocking cycling store/Taiwanese bike store? They are related to Yohobike.com and I have been looking at them for a while now. For some reasons, they seem reliable. However, I can't really find proper reviews. Also I am sure they sell a lot of them. They seem to be the most reliable replicas I could find.
I currently ride a vbr 218 that I like, but I am looking at building a climbing bike.
Anyone has found detailed reviews from that seller?
If you want a climbing bike, i'll offer my 5 cents. I've been focusing on bikes that can take 32C (call me old, no worries). And that narrows the options a LOT.
Brand: Tideace / Haideli (HDL) / SP cycle / Disai
Model: 053D
Frame should be under 1kg in M, i think they do EPS / latex moulding which would 1. explain the weight and 2. make it comparatively "safer" (less chance of mistakes in the layup), 3. easier to route cables; they sometimes claim to be using T1000 (now whether that's true or not, idk, or maybe they use 10g of it and the rest is T800), and there are reviews that say good things about it (The Bespoke Cyclist on YT + at least 1 bike build video of it), and i could only find positive feedback about these brands.
Now my issue is that i'd like a frame to have a bit more of a sexy aspect to it.
But if i were back solving for weight, i'd probably get that one.