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Magene QED P325 Crankset

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Hi all,

I ordered a Magene QED P325 power meter a few months ago and wanted to share some disappointing news. I've always noticed the chainring had a bit of runout, but didn't think much of it. It wasn't until I put an Ultegra derailleur on that the problem became really noticeable, and it's pretty much impossible to set the front derailleur now. I've tried making a warranty claim, complete with a video of the runout, but the Magene email support punts me to the dealer support, and the Magene official store on aliexpress claims this amount of runout is normal, and refuses to send a replacement.

I've uploaded a video to youtube ( ) titled: Magene QED P325 chainring runout, which clearly demonstrates the problem, and I use the video to estimate that the magnitude of the chainring runout is 0.9mm. Clearly unacceptable.

Even more frightening, the Magene website page on warranty says: If products purchased from other official Magene channels (for example, AliExpress, Amazon, etc.), the warranty policy of that channel shall prevail.

From this, I get the sense that Magene is basically putting me at the mercy of their Aliexpress dealer for all warranty claims. 

I think it's really disheartening to see Magene let customers down like this at the warranty step. Magene postures as a premium brand, with premium prices for the China-components market. I paid $500 for this crankset. You would expect at least a modicum of warranty service. All this warranty claim would take is sending a replacement chainring, which I've seen on AliEx for $75. Why they refuse is beyond me.

If you are thinking about buying from Magene, I seriously would reconsider and think about the warranty service you've seen people receive.

There are many alternatives to Magene power meters and cranks. There is Sigeyi. There is XCADEY. An XCADEY power meter and crank is a similar claimed weight as the QED and costs about $100 less.

I dunno, but if I were you I would just try to bend it straight... No idea how hard it would be...

Sorry to hear that. I have had mine since last August and I am quite happy with how it's performing. Maybe you took too long to complain about the runout, might as well just get a new chainring and close this chapter.

Seems I got the final word today on their offer. After getting hot-potatoed between the Aliexpress store and their service email, it seems the Aliexpress store has offered me the option to pay to send them the crankset, pay a service fee, and then pay for it to be shipped back. Absolutely ridiculous in my opinion.

--- Quote from: zerstorer on May 25, 2023, 08:20:15 PM ---Sorry to hear that. I have had mine since last August and I am quite happy with how it's performing. Maybe you took too long to complain about the runout, might as well just get a new chainring and close this chapter.

--- End quote ---

I get the sense this is the case. I received the crank in the beginning of March, contacted them at the end of March. Clearly, 3 weeks was too long. It's just very disappointing that these guys refuse to do the minimum for warranty, which would simply be to send over a new chainring. What is someone to do if their power meter craps out? This $500 power meter is now going to cost me $80 more than originally intended.

I've attached my chat and email logs so people can see what my customer service experience has been like. I had alerted them about this problem no later than a month after receiving the product. I made nice videos explaining the problem. I am pretty upset with the poor service and at this point, I have no confidence in the Magene official store's service. I hope anyone thinking of ordering from them at least take my experience into consideration.

Maybe counter offer to ship them just the chainring and they ship a replacement to you?


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