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Magene QED P325 Crankset

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Yeah, it's an honest mistake...

When I was looking at the 505 PM I checked the interface they use for the PM/crank combo, and when I saw it was again proprietary I just bought the stand alone PM with the 3-bolt interface even though the price was about the same as the PM+crank.

Well have to say that I have no issues with my set. It's been 100% reliable and there hasn't been a single signal loss or dropout in over a year of riding.

i get the base 505 . i think if you broke a crank you can get replace.

Wet Noodle:

--- Quote from: dsveddy on January 14, 2024, 11:56:05 AM ---The fundamental problem is the Magene integrated spider+chainring made for this crankset is too soft and bends out-of-true through normal use.

Normally this problem could be solved by replacing it with a heavier, stiffer/stronger spider + chainring. But the secondary problem is that this is not an option, because the spider interface is proprietary and Magene does not sell a (non power meter) spider for this crankset, at least not in western markets.

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As the milk is already spilled anyway: I assume you don't have access to a mill or to someone who knows someone ...? In that very unlikely case, reverse engineering the interface could have been an option to save an otherwise (assumedly) perfectly fine piece of metal.

(I've been riding a sram crank with a custom-made spider for years, not machined, though, just laser cut (which is peanuts compared to machining work). My only point is: In theory, it could be done.)


--- Quote from: Wet Noodle on January 17, 2024, 11:42:38 AM ---As the milk is already spilled anyway: I assume you don't have access to a mill or to someone who knows someone ...? In that very unlikely case, reverse engineering the interface could have been an option to save an otherwise (assumedly) perfectly fine piece of metal.

(I've been riding a sram crank with a custom-made spider for years, not machined, though, just laser cut (which is peanuts compared to machining work). My only point is: In theory, it could be done.)

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This is something I’d like to do. I even have a copy of solid works on my work computer I could use to design this spider.

Really though, I don’t think it’s worth my time and money. I’d probably end up designing a spider-shaped-object that has some fatal  flaw in it because I overlooked something in the planning process.

Maybe I can find a machine shop willing to do the job for me, but then the question is how expensive will it be?

I think I’m just going to sell it as-is for whatever I can get for it.


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