Author Topic: Differences between Sensah carbon and alloy shifters?  (Read 1061 times)


Differences between Sensah carbon and alloy shifters?
« on: June 28, 2023, 12:12:27 PM »
I just wanted to chime in my experiences using the Sensah Team Pro shifters which are 11 speed Shimano compatible in both carbon and alloy. The alloy version can be purchased for about $55 USD and the carbon version can be purchased under $120 USD or about $100 during the holiday sales. My initial experiences with the alloy version was fairly neutral. They worked fine, but I didn't find them better than 11 speed 105 shifters. Brake feel wasn't anything special and shift performance is decent. Though having used the carbon version, they just feel better. The braking is more responsive and easier to dial in. Also the shifting is a bit more crisp. In fact I've become so accustomed to the carbon version of these shifters, I've decided to install them both on my 2x and 1x road bikes.

Anyways, I would presume the internals would be the same with only the levers being different materials, so I'm not sure why the carbon shifters would have a more precise feel? I have no experience with the Sensah Empire shifters, but I'm guessing the tactile haptics would be similar as well. Is it possible due to the slightly higher cost, the carbon version just has better quality control?

Curious what everyone thinks?

« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 12:14:06 PM by jonathanf2 »


Re: Differences between Sensah carbon and alloy shifters?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2023, 08:27:15 AM »
Logically, there should be no difference between shifting performance and tactility. Did you perhaps buy the carbon shifters long time after alloy shifters?


Re: Differences between Sensah carbon and alloy shifters?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2023, 11:11:20 AM »
Logically, there should be no difference between shifting performance and tactility. Did you perhaps buy the carbon shifters long time after alloy shifters?

The alloy version I have came with the older rough finish rubber hoods, but it does come with the alloy lever mechanism which was previously plastic. The carbon shifters were purchased directly from the official Sensah store this year so they should be the latest iteration. I initially bought the carbon version more as a curiosity and was thinking performance would be similar to the alloy shifters, but like I mentioned the brake lever feel and shifting is a bit more refined. I'm guessing perhaps the latest version just have better internals? I'll be curious to try the new Sensah hydraulics shifters when they come out.


Re: Differences between Sensah carbon and alloy shifters?
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2023, 12:56:10 PM »
I initially ordered the alloy versions, but was forced to upgrade to carbon because of stock issues. It didn't even cross my mind that there could be any difference other than weight from the paddles and derailleur cage.
I think if they had different internals, they would communicate about it.
I suspect you got different iterations of the shifters, Trace Velo himself got them to change their design, these chinese groupsets makers are quite notorious for using customers as beta testers and iterating versions on the back of the feedback. At least they iterate fast.
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.