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Removing decals

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I removed Elite Wheels painted on logo's with a heat gun (and scraping with a paper towel) and goof-off pro...  It was a real chore.  Stickers can be done with hair dryer.


--- Quote from: NoGrip61 on July 10, 2023, 09:16:01 AM ---I removed Elite Wheels painted on logo's with a heat gun (and scraping with a paper towel) and goof-off pro...  It was a real chore.  Stickers can be done with hair dryer.

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I've tried this with another carbon wheelset and unfortunately the decals imprinted onto the carbon, leaving a faint trace of the logo. No amount of goof-off could get it off. Did you have this issue when you removed the logos on the Elite wheelset?

This has always ended in a messy disaster for me.

Now I either buy without decals or if they're minimal, I'll find some way to cover them up. (sharpie, nail polish, tape, etc)


--- Quote from: jonathanf2 on July 10, 2023, 10:56:47 AM ---I've tried this with another carbon wheelset and unfortunately the decals imprinted onto the carbon, leaving a faint trace of the logo. No amount of goof-off could get it off. Did you have this issue when you removed the logos on the Elite wheelset?

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No, they surprisingly came off without a trace. The heat gun did a lot of the heavy lifting.  There are 2 goof-off's, regular and Professional.  The pro one was what helped get the remaining residue, but definitely wear a mask or respirator when using it.

And ya, I should have requested no decals, oh well.


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