I currently ride an Ican A9 and use it for racing.
The build quality of the frame is flawless. It feels very fast and responsive while riding and it has plenty of stiffness. In addition, they now offer pretty paintjobs. So nothing negative to say about it.
For overall build suggestions how I did it:
- For wheels you could have a look at light-bicycle, farsports or elitewwheels. Ideally you wait until the 11Nov and/or black Friday period since they offer nice discounts (15%-20% off).
- Saddle, handlebar, bottle cages, other small parts-> plenty of light and good stuff you can find on aliexpress
- Groupset: depending on your budget you can go for a chinese option (ltwoo), but currently I would still opt to go for Shimano/Sram since then you know it will work.
- Bonus tip: TPU inner tubes from Aliexpress to make your wheels lighter and go faster on the road.