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30mm and 35mm Hookless rims.. Opinions?

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Was just wondering what the consensus was on hookless rims? I honestly don't know much about them.

Also, what do you guys think about the 30mm and 35mm widths? How wide is too wide? I guess that's kinda the question a lot of guys are asking themselves right about now.

These are now at Iplay for $150-$160 per rim:

Hookless seems nice.  I've read that tire beads have improved and there is not necessarily a need for a clincher rim.  Without the bead hook, the rim is stronger since the sidewall of the rim can be shorter and thicker.

If I wanted to upgrade my DT Swiss wheels, I would order a set of the hookless 30mm wide rims and rebuild my wheels using my DT Swiss hubs with carbon hoops.  The DT Swiss rims are lighter but I'm sure they are not as strong or as stiff.

American classic did a bunch of testing and determined the best width is 32mm outside, 29.3mm inside width.  This is reflected in their production of the Wide lightning rim.

One of my sales reps is a huge wheel freak and has ridden everything.  he recommended to me I go with the Xmiplay 35mm hookless rims with the 30mm inside width.  I trust his word completely and am going with his recommendation. 

Hope this helps!
P.S. SN your Chiner is shaping up nicely, can't wait to hear a ride report!

Okay thanks for the replies, fellas.

So CD you would go with the 30mm and Andy you have a trusted source that told you to go with the 35mm? And this trusted source is a sales rep for a big name brand and is recommending you go with Chinese carbon? That's interesting in itself, imo.

How wide are the rims you already have CD?

P.S. Thanks Andy.. Ride report coming this weekend at the latest.

I purchased the 30mm wide XMIplay carbon rims, in my opinion that width is sufficient for the Cross Country riding I do.  I could have gone with a more narrow rim and save a little weight, or I could have gone wider and added weight and strength.  I tend to believe the rim width is a bit of a personal choice as to what you think you need.

Also, for the longest time, XC wheels were on the order of 24mm wide so the increased width is just giving people more choices, and there is nothing wrong with that.


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