Author Topic: Groupsets for two gravel bikes (carbon and titanium)  (Read 1104 times)


Groupsets for two gravel bikes (carbon and titanium)
« on: November 05, 2023, 10:49:06 AM »

Context: I am getting a carbon gravel frame (flyxii FE02) painted after a crash. Full rebuild. Also getting soon-ish a titanium one from Waltly. So now I need to think about groupsets.

What I currently have at home:
- Shimano GRX 812 with garbaruk cage.
- Old sensah SRX 1x11, mechanical + hybrid brakes

My experience with the hybrid brakes is so-so, so I am one hand not thrilled to use that second groupset, but on the other hand it is a pity to just kept it unused.

Options, particularly now that 11.11 is coming:

- use what I have, GRX for the titanium frame, sensah for the carbon, until it breaks
- buy a Ltwoo GRT for the carbon one
- buy a sensah SRX pro HRD for the carbon one
- buy a Shimano GRX 12s (not very inclined to be honest at the current prices)
- buy a force AXS + GX AXS mullet for the titanium one, and leave the GRX for the carbon one. Most expensive option, but would make the titanium frame 100% internally routed.

What would you go for?


Re: Groupsets for two gravel bikes (carbon and titanium)
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2023, 11:02:02 AM »
TBH I was using trp spyre C for 4 years on my gravel bike. When setup good with jagwire compressionles housing, good semi metallic pads and all properly adjusted I really never felt the need for other brakes. And I really ride hard, group rides, ultra races, singletracks,hills and mountains and I Weight 85kg strong dude. Try the trp and if You don't like it you can always change hoods and brakes


Re: Groupsets for two gravel bikes (carbon and titanium)
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2023, 11:03:11 AM »
The most economical would be to go Sensah SRX HRD shifters only and use your current SRX RD which would give you hydraulic calipers on both bikes. Though if you want to spend money go Force AXS! Shimano GRX 12 speed isn't worth it right now, especially with so many deals on 11 speed GRX.


Re: Groupsets for two gravel bikes (carbon and titanium)
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2023, 01:05:45 PM »
I could also be a little bit savy by going rival + GX AXS. I do not plan to use satellite shifters, nor I plan to use rim brakes, so maybe rival is good enough? weight is similar, I am not sure about build quality and ergonomics. The good part is that rival + GX mullet is readily available in some shops.