Chinese Carbon Road Bikes > Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components

Best TPU tube brand

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Afaik, TPU is TPU (Thermoplastic polyurethane). I pick my TPU tubes based on whatever's cheaper on AliX. I have a friend who says he's got a slow leak on his. I've punctured 3 & broken at least one. A friend broke 2 trying to fix one puncture.
I presume that if you spend 35 eur on a tubolito, you wont have slow leaks, even though they can't test them because once you've inflated a TPU tube, you can't fold it nearly.
But if you get them for c.4 eur, then if sometimes you get a dud, put a new one. I've setup probably 12 to 15 wheels w these tubes, and more often than not, whatever TPU goes in works just fine.
Critical though: be careful during installation. They are easy to twist / pinch / break (at the valve).

I recently bought a pair of Meroca TPU tubes just because it was enough to trigger the coupon deal I was trying to get from the same store. Surprisingly they've been holding air quite well with slightly less daily air loss.


--- Quote from: Serge_K on September 17, 2024, 10:36:03 AM ---Afaik, TPU is TPU (Thermoplastic polyurethane). I pick my TPU tubes based on whatever's cheaper on AliX. I have a friend who says he's got a slow leak on his. I've punctured 3 & broken at least one. A friend broke 2 trying to fix one puncture.
I presume that if you spend 35 eur on a tubolito, you wont have slow leaks, even though they can't test them because once you've inflated a TPU tube, you can't fold it nearly.
But if you get them for c.4 eur, then if sometimes you get a dud, put a new one. I've setup probably 12 to 15 wheels w these tubes, and more often than not, whatever TPU goes in works just fine.
Critical though: be careful during installation. They are easy to twist / pinch / break (at the valve).

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TPU is TPU, but how the seams are made, how the valve is reinforced at the seam, and what the valve joint is made of seems to vary quite a bit between all the brands. It's worthwhile to spend time discussing which brands are fabricating them better at scale.


--- Quote from: amacal1 on September 18, 2024, 12:45:23 PM ---TPU is TPU, but how the seams are made, how the valve is reinforced at the seam, and what the valve joint is made of seems to vary quite a bit between all the brands. It's worthwhile to spend time discussing which brands are fabricating them better at scale.

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I dont disagree per se, but we can also spend time what a "brand" means in a chinese context, especially via aliexpress. There's zero guarantee / assurance that what's called TPU from brand X at T0 will be the same item / quality / spec next time you order.


--- Quote from: Serge_K on September 18, 2024, 03:10:03 PM ---I dont disagree per se, but we can also spend time what a "brand" means in a chinese context, especially via aliexpress. There's zero guarantee / assurance that what's called TPU from brand X at T0 will be the same item / quality / spec next time you order.

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I thought that was the entire point of this site, right? That might be true for some brands, and less true for others. By each sharing our experience with the brands, something valuable may be learned. I was pointed towards the RideNow tubes by hearing such stories, and I get the impression they are just a slight cut above some of the others based on my own experience.


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