Author Topic: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs  (Read 3944 times)

LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:10:29 PM »
Does anyone have any experience with the ltwoo TX? It seems like a killer deal compared to sram and shimano, but there's almost no reviews or information about the groupset.

I'm pretty tired of hearing the usual bike shop talk about how everything other than sram or shimano sucks and breaks. Microshift has been pretty much flawless for me, and ltoo's road and electronic sets seem to be quality. Part of me wants to take the gamble, but I've honestly already overspent on this hardtail and a ~$60 gamble just isn't in the budget.

If anyone has tried it, or really any other mechanical ltwoo groupset I would love to hear your insight.


Re: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2024, 06:46:07 PM »
That’s what I fitted on mine and I am happy with it, although I don’t have any contemporary references. It’s easy to fit and dial in, very nicely finished, I wouldn’t hesitate to get another one.

Re: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2024, 09:28:19 PM »
That’s what I fitted on mine and I am happy with it

What cassette and chain are you using? Also, would you say you're more of an XC rider or more aggressive? I'm mostly worried about the clutch, I hate dropping a chain after a jump or rut section.

I'm glad your setup is working well though, honestly I was super impressed by their electronic gravel set I got to see in person. Although I never personally see myself going electronic, it was one of the better 1x12 systems I've tried. I just wonder if the mechanical is receiving the same level of development.


Re: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2024, 09:31:20 PM »
Speedo 10-52T and YBN chain, not agressive at all, definitely more XC.


Re: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2024, 03:58:32 PM »
I fitted Ltwoo TX 1x12s on my 2017 Canyon Spectral.
Upgrading from 1x11s SRAM GX.

I combined it with 9-50T ZTTO ULT cassette and YBN 12s chain.

Shifting performance itself is good, I can't say its any worse than GX.
It is reliable, predictable, shifts OK under load.
Indexing is good, easy to setup.

Quality of the components seems good.
The only thing that is a bit "iffy" is the cable guide on the derailleur, it is plastic and looks like it could break easily if something would hit the derailleur. Will see how it holds up...

What bothers me is the ergonomics of the levers, GX has much nicer position of the levers.
On TX you have to place your finger in a bit weird position to shift.

I did not experience any chain drops so far, but I do not run extremely aggressive trails.
My riding is mostly XC.

Re: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2024, 02:56:51 PM »
Thanks for both your replies, based on a little more research and failing to hear anything back from ltwoo I ended up buying a mixed shimano groupset. For around the same $50 I got an m8100 shifter and m6100 derailleur, since I ride pretty aggressive trails I'm hoping the shimano's stiffer clutch is a better fit for me.

Knowing the development time of chinese companies I'm probably just a few months early to a beefier 12sp group being released, but for now I'm making the most of the big brand stuff.


Re: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2024, 03:07:40 PM »
With current pricing available on Shimano, it’s hard to overlook…


Re: LTWOO TX or other cheap 12sp MTB derailleurs
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2024, 04:31:59 PM »
The chain tensioner on the TX looks the same as the gravel derailleur. Its not a true clutch and I would expect some chain slap with it on rough terrain. Mid level shimano stuff would still be a vastly superior product in my estimation.