First ride done, and it's interesting. Different, for sure, but that's not shocking. When the bike's up at speed it feels like any light hardtail, but if you lose even a little bit of that speed? hah, good luck, cuz it's gone and it's not coming back without a whole bunch of work. I need to learn to trust the traction more and keep that speed up. In the meantime, the slower you go, the slower it feels, and that can be pretty damn slow. Still, set four PR's on the ride, so it can't be all that bad.
With the first ride on the bone stock bike done, it's time to get things started. Going with what I have on hand, I swapped out the saddle, grips, and cassette, and the weight has dropped down to just under 36lbs from the original 36.5. Nice start. Could have dropped even more but I find the SLR saddle to be no good for MTB use because of the pointy nose. Still might slap it on for "scale queen" weigh-ins.

Kicking around the idea of going 1x10 with a Wolf Tooth 32 I've got on hand, but lately the 22 has been a very nice thing to have available.

The big gains will be from the wheels, though - IPlay lists their wheelset at 2350g, and my wheelset is 3110g. IPlay also uses 2.0/1.8 spokes, and I'll be going with 2.0/1.5 Lasers to save a little bit more weight. Plus, being able to ditch the tubes at 500 and 550g... that's gonna be pretty huge. (although the gallons of sealant I'll need will even that out JUST a smidge) Hoping the wheelset weight reduction helps make this thing a little less of a juggernaut. The IPlay bars and seatpost will just be the icing on that fancy cake.
Hoping the Snow Shoes work out okay with that usage, but have heard mixed things on them. For one thing, they're rated 4.5" and measure in at just under 4.125".

Even fat bike tires lie in their size, not even a 100mm rim would get these things near that rated size. Sounds like the Bud/Lou combo is a very popular one, and interested to see what comes of Kenda's new ridiculously light tire.