Author Topic: Magene L508 Radar bike light  (Read 5471 times)


Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2023, 09:16:45 AM »
bought a Garmin Varia RTL 515, loved it, had to send it back for warranty, the usb cover got dislodged on gravel ride. Did not want to be without a radar so I got a Magene L508 in the interim. Now have two radar lights and I ride with the Magene and lend the Garmin to friends to convince them to buy their own (and the end up buying the Magene).

Main differences other that Magene is smart tail light and brightens when you brake (which is why I ride with it)
The Garmin is slightly brighter (but I run both in flashing mode)
When a car matches your speed, the Garmin will keep the alert for a couple of seconds longer than the Magene before it drops. But once a car or other object including another bike matches your speed the alert will disappear.

Other than that the are the same, get false postives from both, usually from vehicles traveling in the opposite direction. Never had a false negative, ie no missed approaching cars. They both work with Wahoo Bolt V2, Wahoo Elmnt, Garmin 510, Garmin 935 watch and Magene C 508.

Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2024, 02:51:52 PM »
Just received my light, I unfortunately cannot connect to it with the Magene Utility app, how do I update the firmware then?

Anybody else with this issue?

"This device is not compatible with the current app. Please use the corresponding app."

My app version is v1.7.1


Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2024, 08:25:14 PM »
Just received my light, I unfortunately cannot connect to it with the Magene Utility app, how do I update the firmware then?

Anybody else with this issue?

"This device is not compatible with the current app. Please use the corresponding app."

My app version is v1.7.1
That is the current version of the app, looks exactly the same but it connects to my L508 without that message.

I would contact Magene support.

There was rumour of two different versions of the L508, one built just for the Chinese market and the other for the International market. If you bought your L508 from AliExpress you might of got the Chinese version.

I did buy my from the "offical" Magene store on AliExpress, but that was 18 months ago.


Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2024, 06:02:00 AM »
I've had mine for over a year now, and very pleased with it.  No issues and just works, paired to my Bryton.
Didn't even realized there were firmware upgrades till I read this thread!


Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2024, 02:11:41 PM »
I've had mine for over a year now, and very pleased with it.  No issues and just works, paired to my Bryton.
Didn't even realized there were firmware upgrades till I read this thread!

how long does it last and has the battery degraded over a year?

Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2024, 09:19:37 AM »
That is the current version of the app, looks exactly the same but it connects to my L508 without that message.

I would contact Magene support.

There was rumour of two different versions of the L508, one built just for the Chinese market and the other for the International market. If you bought your L508 from AliExpress you might of got the Chinese version.

I did buy my from the "offical" Magene store on AliExpress, but that was 18 months ago.

Thank you, I did try contacting them via email and even their FB page but no answers so far after a week... I'm considering asking for an aliexpress refund at this point...

I did download the chinese app (wasn't easy for me) and it does connect, but then without any translation the app is completely unusable for me sadly...


Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2024, 04:51:32 AM »
how long does it last and has the battery degraded over a year?

hmm around 8 hours i would say roughly on radar only, maybe 5 with some kind of light on as well.  I don't feel the battery has degraded.


Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2024, 06:52:37 AM »
Same here my Magene is still going strong after over one year.
I would estimate the battery lasts around 8 hours when using the radar activated light function.
I usually charge it every second day when commuting to be on the safe side.

In the meantime I have found nice mounts for the seat post that do not need modification:



Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2024, 02:17:17 PM »
Same here my Magene is still going strong after over one year.
I would estimate the battery lasts around 8 hours when using the radar activated light function.
I usually charge it every second day when commuting to be on the safe side.

In the meantime I have found nice mounts for the seat post that do not need modification:


I bought one of those from Amazon when I got my radar and immediately stripped the bolt head when trying to install. Just trying to unscrew the bolt to open the collar the first time. Maybe it was a fluke, I’ll probably get another and try again but in the meantime I’ve ordered a saddle rail mount.

Distinctly heavier because the body is aluminum, and probably not as aesthetic. But I strongly disliked the thought of having another one of these plastic ones strip the bolt while it was installed and then struggling to remove it.


Re: Magene L508 Radar bike light
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2024, 07:07:23 AM »
In the meantime I use three of these mounts and never had any issues with a striped bolt head, may have been bad luck.
I also considered saddle mounted options but due to the saddle bags I use for tube and tools this is not really an option for me.
I think when it comes to AliGoods it is all try and error...   ;D ...and as long as cost is reasonable the risk is small.

BR Chris