Author Topic: Integrated bar experts: am I fucking stupid? I think I may be.  (Read 1148 times)


So, maybe I'm crazy, but I've got a fully internally routed frame coming and, as such, I need to route the brake hoses through the frame.

Is there a special method or some obvious mechanism I'm not understanding for "integrated" bars that don't have an opening for hoses/cables into the head unit? Or am I just moving too fast and need to be more deliberate about finding actual "fully internally routed" bars?

How does this spacer set, which has space in it for routing/etc. work with this bar set - seems it's a "partially internal" routing and the host has to ultimately come out of the bars and the spacers are just.. meant to be more aero/cool?


Anyone got flared gravel bar recommendations for fully internal routing? Lol.


Re: Integrated bar experts: am I fucking stupid? I think I may be.
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2024, 07:56:34 PM »
this particular bar is made for d-shaped steerers. You run the cable through the stem and and out the streerer tube clamping area down through the bearing. one of the worst implementations of internal routing imo


Re: Integrated bar experts: am I fucking stupid? I think I may be.
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2024, 09:17:22 PM »
I just installed this bars and really like them. A little wide in the drops, would prefer something like 47 not 51 but it's just because of looks. They are very comfortable in the top and also super nice in the drops and give a lot of control. The drop is just little over 102 and they really do the job on steep decents. In the hoods they are 38 and with hoods pointing inwards I can get into very comfortable and aero position.


Re: Integrated bar experts: am I fucking stupid? I think I may be.
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2024, 09:31:16 PM »
this particular bar is made for d-shaped steerers. You run the cable through the stem and and out the streerer tube clamping area down through the bearing. one of the worst implementations of internal routing imo


Yeah, that's a bummer - I just don't see how the cables can run internally when there's no exit in the integrated stem.

Regardless, gonna return them - which sucks because I do really like them, tbh.

For this gravel build, decided to actually go Stem + Bars and went with the only appealing internally routed stem I could find in this Fire Spider ( and these nice 30 degree flair 102 drop internally routed bars to go with them ( - they offer 80 drop too, which is wild to me at that 30 degree flair lol.

Will give me some options if I decide to make changes/whatever.


Re: Integrated bar experts: am I fucking stupid? I think I may be.
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2024, 05:36:00 PM »
So, maybe I'm crazy, but I've got a fully internally routed frame coming and, as such, I need to route the brake hoses through the frame.

Is there a special method or some obvious mechanism I'm not understanding for "integrated" bars that don't have an opening for hoses/cables into the head unit? Or am I just moving too fast and need to be more deliberate about finding actual "fully internally routed" bars?

How does this spacer set, which has space in it for routing/etc. work with this bar set - seems it's a "partially internal" routing and the host has to ultimately come out of the bars and the spacers are just.. meant to be more aero/cool?


Anyone got flared gravel bar recommendations for fully internal routing? Lol.

The cockpit in your 2nd screenshot is not supporting integrated hose routing. You must look for Cockpits that have an additional   free space for the hoses. Usually they bring their own spacers and dust cap (if they are good). If you don't get the spacers and dust cap and it is NOT a Fsa ACR design... i would not buy that. Ending up with the fight to get spacer parts that fit the cockpit can be really crappy.