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are your excited customers in the room with us right now?

James dean:
ask them i don't know. Do you guys really have nothing better to do with ur time?

wow never seen so many butt hurt kids


--- Quote from: James dean on August 25, 2024, 01:43:36 PM ---ask them i don't know. Do you guys really have nothing better to do with ur time?

wow never seen so many butt hurt kids

--- End quote ---

This is how you carry yourself in your own thread to advertise your failing business?

My favourite part is how every time you insist on pressing buttons on your keyboard, you just give yourself an even worse name.

Who would want to deal with someone like you let alone entrust you to purchase a bike from you?

Business must be pretty bad if you are so desperate you need to advertise your business (or whatever you are trying to call it) on chinertown. Makes sense, though, look at your pathetic attitude.


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