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Removing stuck crank arm

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You are exactly right on the design.
The stem is so stuck on spindle that when I backed out the bolt, it pushed the extractor cap out of the threads. Then I was able to back the bolt out, the true and in spindle are intact, boot threads in and out with no issue whatsoever.
It’s really just the crank arm is stuck solid on the spindle…

Wet Noodle:
Ah, so the extractor thread is toast, now I get it. Couldn't you just pull the spindle out of the bb anyway (with the ds arm stuck, that is, like a 2-piece crankset)?

As for loosening the stuck arm, if you really have to, use penetrating oil, as was already mentioned, and then give it some time, maybe warm it up with a heat gun and/or give it a cautious(!) spin around the block (or on a trainer ... or just rock lightly on the pedals in 3/9 o'clock position alternatingly).

On the non drive side there is a big “do not unscrew” on the spindle/crank arm side so I didn’t try.
For the penetrating oil I haven’t done that, I could give it a go but there was plenty of grease in there to start with.


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