the easiest way for shimano to react would be to open the software to the same standard as the chinese approaching it. open di2 two both worlds 11- and 12 speed would be a game changer...
Unfortunately I wouldn't hold out hope for them to be so open minded. Keeping their system locked down protects sales on cassettes, chains, cranksets, wheelsets, etc.
Being able to pair your derailleur with virtually any kind of component from any brand and dial it all in electronically saves me an enormous amount of money as a consumer. And, even if I do want the best performance and want the best Shimano has to offer, if I damage or wear something out, I can throw on my old spare 11sp or even 10sp components or wheelset or something and "get by" for a time while I price hunt and wheel & deal to save some money or wait for a big sales event. Without that, I'm forced to buy expensive stuff immediately to get back on the road as quickly as possible. Being able to say that you need a Shimano everything for it all to work and work well protects sales for everything of theirs.