As the most of us know, Peter has left xmiplay. He leaves because he spent the most effort and energy into the company without any extra rewards.
Talked to him a lot last weeks. He told me he had to travel 3 hours to the office, stays there for the week and at the end of the week he travels back home to his pregnant wife Bella. He was one of the co-owners of xmiplay. Because he's the one who's putting the most effort and energy into the company without extra reward, he decided to leave the company and starts a new company (with Bella).
I told him that his selling point was/is the good and quick communication and the service he offers (most of the time

). He will continuing this.
He has a lot of new ideas to make his company to a success.
So, Peter isn't gone, he's still in business. Within some weeks there is a new website and a new company name.
If you have question for Peter, you can contact him by email or skype:
email: skype: peterxu1206
His new account on ChinerTown:
Peter Xu (his real name)
He have some 256 SL, 057, 106 29er frames in stock. Please contact him if you want to know more.