Since this thread is back to life, I notice that no one posted this fork. purchased one of these several years ago to play around on my gravel bike. It works well, but I didn't like the added weight on my gravel bike. It also raises the front of the bike up enough that I really didn't like the change in handling.
After playing around with a suspension fork on my gravel bike, for forest service roads and trails where I want/need front suspension, I ride my Carbon hardtail frame with a 120mm front suspension fork. My hardtail rides a lot better and is faster than my gravel bike on these types of rough roads.
If you can afford it, build an ultralight hardtail that be ridden on the roads and trails where your gravel bike is not as enjoyable, due to lack of a front suspension fork.
OTOH, For bikepacking, I also abandoned my gravel bike and ride my same Carbon hardtail with a rigid front fork. The hardtail ends up weighing a couple pounds less than my gravel bike running the same basic bikepacking gear I carry.