Author Topic: Niu Ju Computer Mounts  (Read 1761 times)


Niu Ju Computer Mounts
« on: October 12, 2023, 10:30:25 PM »
Hey all, I wanted to share a product I recently purchased. I have heard of these mounts and that they had potentially been whitelabeled under a different brand. It took a lot of searching to find these, and I ended up at the TorqueNiuJu Bike store on Taobao, a place i had heard mentioned on other forum. I dont know if thats true that others resell these mounts.

I cant yet vouch for the durability of the mount, but i don’t foresee any issues. What I can say is that these mounts are very, very impressive in terms of the machining. Not quite K Edge quality, as looking really carefully I found a spot where the CNC was either stopped to cool down of was repositioned before the pass was complete, but its a minor thing.

They are not cheap (~$25 or 188 RMB + International shipping if you arent in China) and can only be found on Taobao. However, for the quality of the machining these are a very good value.

I went through the trouble of purchasing it directly and using Taobao’s international shipping service, but using a forwarder like Superbuy is probably the way to go for most people, though I have never used that specific service.

Keep in mind these are stem specific. The one I bought is 24mm spacing to fit the Kalloy Uno. Its the Giant Type A option.

Gallery is here:

Taobao link:

Hope this is useful for someone!


Re: Niu Ju Computer Mounts
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2024, 08:31:06 AM »
Do you know the differences between the different order options (E.g. Wahoo type A vs Wahoo type B)?


Re: Niu Ju Computer Mounts
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2024, 01:35:36 PM »
They have a kalloy uno version now that I linked in a different thread. I would get that one.

For this version, A and B refer to bolt spacing, which differs slightly between generations of giant stems. I bought that A version which also fits the Kalloy Uno. I cannot confirm that it is the same as the Giant A version.


Re: Niu Ju Computer Mounts
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2024, 04:12:03 AM »
niuju(扭矩) is legit, for someone who always buy fake frames and barstem like me, the ones that comes with the barstem often have issues. (stripped bolts, loose mounting adaptors, flexible structure etc), niuju never fails to disappoint. and yes, they are not cheap.