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This "motorcycle" has fat bike rims and an MTB air shock?


Was doing some random web surfing, and came across this article:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/news/10427469/Caterham-launches-bike-division.html

Pretty interesting (to me, at least) bikes/motorcycles. Well, the article seems to call it a motorcycle but it has pedals and I don't see a motor so I guess it's more of an electric/pedal powered MTB? Either way, I thought you guys might find it interesting:

It's made by a company called "Caterham Bikes" and they have a couple of other pretty bad ass looking bikes as well.

This one has a fully automatic transmission:

And this one appears to be some type of electric/pedal powered cruiser bike. Not really my style but still pretty cool:

Sweet! Good find. That top one is awesome. It's called the "Caterham Bikes E Bike".

Wonder how long til we can build one of these by ordering carbon parts directly from the manufacturer? Seems 100% feasible that will be the reality in the not too distant future. Looks like it would be pretty much like an MTB build but with an electric motor, which I doubt would be all too complicated to install. 

For those who don't know Caterham are a British sports car manufacturer, they tend to look like:

Can either buy the complete car or build it yourself from a kit, a friend has one and they're rather nippy  ;D

The 'motor' bikes aren't my cup of tea but at least they've put a bit more effort in than the recent Audi bike, in fact pretty much any car company bike.

They also do a road bike which rather nice

and so it should be if it's built by AX-Lightness.

We're gonna have to agree to disagree because I looooove that cruiser! :D

--- Quote from: MTNRCKT on March 29, 2015, 11:26:35 AM ---And this one appears to be some type of electric/pedal powered cruiser bike. Not really my style but still pretty cool:

--- End quote ---


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