Author Topic: LTWOO eGR questions?  (Read 1787 times)

stephan linn

LTWOO eGR questions?
« on: October 24, 2024, 01:45:38 PM »
Before the Trump tariffs go into effect, I sprung for a LTWOO eGR group set ( the electronic/hydo gravel version with only a rear detailer). I'm replacing 105 derailleur and shifters. I will share some experience and ask some questions. Perhaps we could start a LTWOO discussion group. I ordered from AliExpress and it must have been in a US warehouse, because it arrived in about a week. First issue, install instructions are  down loaded in an app on your phone and it comes up in Chinese, without a hint of how to change language or if an English version even exists. After a while I figured one of the options in the app startup window must be for language, and it was. Second issue, was that the terminology is not very descriptive e.g. 'calibration' means setting the 6th gear position readout to zero. After some messing around I got it to work, and work it does - nice clean shifts up and down cassette. The ability to individually tune each gear is the great advantage - no more messing with the barrel adjuster that tunes all gears the same. I had one issue that the front brake caliper had a stuck piston, but the seller sent me a new one with no questions asked.  Today I was riding and noticed that I had to press the shift button 2-3 times to get a gear change  until finally it stopped shifting altogether - fortunately I was in a middle gear.  I traced it back to the battery wire coming off - it is a flimsy connector so I reinforced it with tape, charged the battery and all is good. This raises the issue of how to get parts or any kind of technical support. The AliExpress seller was responsive, but only because I initially gave him a bad review about the caliper. My final issue is as follows: the only wire connection is from the battery in the seat post to the rear derailleur. The shifters communicate with the derailleur via bluetooth, so how do the shifters get power to talk bluetooth?

Re: LTWOO eGR questions?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2024, 01:23:32 AM »
i suppose the only help provided is via your ali express seller...
good luck'!


Re: LTWOO eGR questions?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2024, 09:45:32 AM »
The shifters communicate with the derailleur via bluetooth, so how do the shifters get power to talk bluetooth?

The shifters have 2032 batteries installed on the side. Mine have lasted for several months with no issues and you can link them up to your bike computer to notify you on battery status. I'm surprised your shifters came pre-installed with batteries since most ship without them.

There are spare parts available on AliExpress, though depending on the seller (80 Design Store being the preferred choice on here), you should be able to get warranty replacement parts direct from the seller if any issues arise.

If you need to buy spare parts separately:


Re: LTWOO eGR questions?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2024, 04:24:31 PM »
The shifters have 2032 batteries installed on the side. Mine have lasted for several months with no issues and you can link them up to your bike computer to notify you on battery status. I'm surprised your shifters came pre-installed with batteries since most ship without them.

I'm going on 8 months and about 900mi and my shifter battery still seems to be fine, though I did install Duracell 2032 cells. One benefit of the eGR is that you have 2 shifters and only one shifter can be used at a time. I haven't bothered to even try to check my battery level, because if it ever dies mid-ride, I'll just pull up the app and switch to my other shifter.