Author Topic: Help... seat post is stuck!!!  (Read 1023 times)

Queen of Skulls

Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« on: January 22, 2025, 02:18:08 AM »
I am finally putting my vb-218 build together  and besides having to redo the front hanger because of bad rivets and no epoxy....(I swear this is the most pain in the butt build...)

Any way I was testing out seat height.. well its slipped down a 1cm and is now stuck...  to be honest It was mostly in there already because of my short legs. and long torso and xl frame(only way I can fit bikes) biggest reach/ top tube for long torso and arms and a slammed seat post for my short legs... now its too slammed!

Any ways How do I get it out??? I tried a soft rubber mallet and pulling and twisting... its just slightly moving forward and back like 0.5 to 1 mm..

what other tricks can I try?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 02:22:52 AM by Queen of Skulls »

Off with your Head tubes...

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[color #FE0000]P[/color][color #FDA601]R[/color][color #FFFF01]I[/color][color #008000]D[/color][color #1614E4]E[/color][color #80007E]!!!![/color]


Re: Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2025, 04:21:07 AM »
spray some isopropil alcool that is very volatile and does not affect the material but may make smoother the extraction
Look if the liquid penetrate up to the bottom bracket

I suppose there is some reduction of diameter in the molding.
Hammer two times up, and one time down in order to avoid dragging of chips


Re: Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2025, 10:01:33 AM »
I feel like youtube will have the best suggestions for this.
i would say WD40, because it can't hurt. But you will have to thoroughly clean it afterwards.
Rubber mallet, wiggle wiggle. if you have a woodworking clamp and you can get to widen, it could help apply pressure in the right vertical axis.
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.


Re: Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2025, 11:14:48 AM »
Lube it. Wd40 or anything else that penetrates.
Put an old saddle on that seatpost. Turn the whole thing upside down and step on that saddle. Now pull on that frame like a motherf#%$er!

If that doesn’t help, I dunno what will. Maybe some more lube.


Re: Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2025, 01:32:03 PM »
Is the seatpost clamping wedge still in place?  Also, looking on VB's website for this frame, looks like there's a removable panel by the bottom bracket. You might have a straight shot from that opening into the seat tube-if you do, you could use a piece of 1/2" diameter PVC pipe that fits inside the seatpost and hammer it out from the bottom.

Queen of Skulls

Re: Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2025, 02:38:08 AM »
Now wedge in place its just carbon on carbon
Off with your Head tubes...

If the girls dont find you pretty they should at least find you handy...

[color #FE0000]P[/color][color #FDA601]R[/color][color #FFFF01]I[/color][color #008000]D[/color][color #1614E4]E[/color][color #80007E]!!!![/color]


Re: Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2025, 12:56:18 PM »
Are you sure the seat post clamp/wedge isn't fully unscrewed? I would just keep doing small taps with a rubber mallet until it comes out.

Queen of Skulls

Re: Help... seat post is stuck!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2025, 04:43:29 PM »
Are you sure the seat post clamp/wedge isn't fully unscrewed? I would just keep doing small taps with a rubber mallet until it comes out.

its removed... just carbon on carbon
Off with your Head tubes...

If the girls dont find you pretty they should at least find you handy...

[color #FE0000]P[/color][color #FDA601]R[/color][color #FFFF01]I[/color][color #008000]D[/color][color #1614E4]E[/color][color #80007E]!!!![/color]