Author Topic: Which immersive wax are you using?  (Read 2084 times)


Which immersive wax are you using?
« on: February 12, 2025, 02:08:01 PM »
I'm curious what everyone is using for immersive wax? I'm thinking of doing my own blend. I've read paraffin wax and PFTE powder should do the trick. I've read some people were fine with paraffin wax by itself, but re-waxing a bit earlier. Any other tips or suggestions? Thanks!


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2025, 02:20:49 PM »
I'm using paraffin wax and PTFE powder, a local eBay seller had a listing for the combo. I'm happy with it and will keep on using it, as I got 1 kg of wax! ZFC suggests that paraffin wax works quite well, though it's not quite as good as the best commercial waxes.

I've been re-waxing every 300 km, though I've been wondering if I could push that further, especially since I don't ride in the rain. There's no noise or squeak by the time I reach 300 km.

But stripping the factory grease off new chains is a faff, so if I was starting again today, I'd be very tempted by the Silca strip chip.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2025, 02:55:06 PM »
Waxing a chain isn't a big deal since I have a small crockpot to melt the wax and I just hang the chains to dry outside. I have a small ultrasonic cleaner that fits a bike chain perfectly, so degreasing isn't much of an issue either.

Same I don't ride in the rain either and if I do get my chain wet, I can always swap it out for another pre-waxed chain.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2025, 03:03:55 PM »
I just use plain paraffin now, might add a little mso2 occasionally. I've stopped using ptfe because its a forever chemical and toxic.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2025, 05:08:51 PM »
I just use plain paraffin now, might add a little mso2 occasionally. I've stopped using ptfe because its a forever chemical and toxic.

I'm thinking of just going plain paraffin as well. I read it's a good idea to wear a mask when melting. The ptfe becomes airborne when heated and you can breath it in.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2025, 05:11:36 PM »
I'm thinking of just going plain paraffin as well. I read it's a good idea to wear a mask when melting. The ptfe becomes airborne when heated and you can breath it in.

Yeah, and if you're rolling your own its a very fine powder.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2025, 12:30:12 AM »
I was initially put off by the price of commercial blends but after a lot of reading on Zero Friction Cycling and the likes settled on Silca. And now I have I can see the cost is insignificant - yes the bag cost £35ish but only needed half to fill my Crockpot and what's in there has waxed a lot of chains (at least 20 waxings across all my bikes). Whilst there is now only just enough to cover a chain I still have the other half of the bag to top up from.
Major appeal for Silca for me is the matching drip wax - which is great for top ups when you are away from home or just don't have time.
IMO the savings from making your own blend aren't worth it given the fact that once you have the bag and filled a Crockpot with it you likely won't need to spend anything further for years.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2025, 12:53:23 AM »
I am using paraffin wax and 1.6µm PTFE as additive
Moving forward I am planing to move to 4µm graphite powder as additive

Dan S.

Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2025, 02:26:13 AM »
As of now I am using a plain paraffin wax + I bought tungsten disulfide (WS2) powder from AliExpress. Using a small wax heater I bought also from Ali for like 10 bucks. Only downside is that WS2 powder is leaving black marks anywhere it touches. Definitely would only recommend using it outside, have used it indoors and it's not that clean as you can imagine. Prior to that I was using straight paraffin without any additives, that was with my old bike. Haven't yet tried any branded wax stuff, but want to give Silca a try this year. Seems like the one package could last you at least half a year, maybe more. Let's see if it is any better than my DIY stuff.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2025, 04:16:38 AM »
I've been waxing chains for years, only ever w wax alone. PTFE is on its way out, i think it might be forbidden to import it in powder form in the EU already.
Not all paraffin waxes are created equal. Because it's a by product of oil refining, afaik, you get different purities, a big difference being how much oil there is in the wax. Oilier is cheaper. The dude from Zero Friction Cycling said he's tested chains that were gunking up fast with store bought waxes, it was probably high oil contents from cheap paraffin.
Last year i bought 5kg of the most expensive paraffin wax i could find, i think it might be lab grade. It's brittle, very low oil.
Do i feel a difference in every day use? No.
The biggest draw for me is that it's now clean to handle bikes. I do more maintenance and use my bike more now that it's not a nasty source of grime.

Now, my chains do stretch, and i have nowhere near the claims of eternal life that immersion waxing somehow promises. But i use YBN or KMC 20 eur chains, typically, on cheap drive trains, and based in Europe, last time i checked, the Silca stuff was just too expensive to make sense to me, so i'm happy w my setup. It's important to dilute the crap from the chain into the bowl of wax, it's that action that purges the contaminants from the chain; i dont want to spend 50 eur to maybe save 3 eur worth of chain on every chain for the next 15 years.

I melt the wax in a metal bowl in a double boiler on the stove (bain marie), that way the wax can't catch fire. It does reach recommended paraffin temps. i wiggle it with bent metal hanger, and voila. It takes 5min of work, and i dont need a dedicated rice cooker. I've also provided that setup to all the friends i've built bike for, it's pretty easy once you've done it a few times.

I would never go back to oiled drive trains.
As to stripping the grease from the factory, using white spirit and the likes does stink badly, and these solvents aren't actually cheap, but i bought 20 bottles of it once, so i'm set to use that for the next 20 years :)

I heard Silca opened a European warehouse so it might make more financial sense now for those in Europe. But i still feel their US prices are high for what they offer; but convenience has a price for sure.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2025, 04:18:47 AM by Serge_K »
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2025, 08:20:00 AM »
I am using paraffin wax and 1.6µm PTFE as additive
Moving forward I am planing to move to 4µm graphite powder as additive

Yeah, I've added this:

It doesn't take much. It does discolor the wax but doesn't leave any add'l residue anywhere.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2025, 09:42:15 AM »
I am using paraffin wax and 1.6µm PTFE as additive
Moving forward I am planing to move to 4µm graphite powder as additive

I was thinking of graphite as well, but I read it could possibly act as an abrasive.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2025, 10:23:18 AM »
Paraffin wax, PTFE and Molybdenum Disulfide.   tiny crockpot.  works great.  I just shake my chains up in a jar of mineral spirits then let them dry before dunking.


Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2025, 08:35:04 AM »
KMC now sells pre waxed chains so no more cosmoline to degrease.



Re: Which immersive wax are you using?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2025, 02:47:58 AM »
I used old Christmas candle (Yankee Candle red...yes...) with Aliexpress PTFE powder.
I'm waiting for calcium stearate in order to clean the wax impurities.

After +400km everything is running smoothly on the road bike, so yesterday I waxed the gravel chain